Begin OCR Text:
v_oç3__v3o4 _
R E_Al R l N ST R U _Tl O N S
Fig. 2=_3. Englne on atand
D___A__L_N_ _HE EN__NE
Flg. 2_t5. Mar_lng th8 nt8ln and blg_end bearlnga
_. _a__ bearing No l 2. B1g_end bearing ND l
_ _ _ d F h h. _ 3 _aln bearln_ ND. 2
A ef the e_o__e hag been _ e out O t e Ve IC e,
U_g çaff_ed out ag FO__OWS. (jllStfUCtlOnS
Fof thg lnd_lV_dUa_ pa_g afe gIVgn U_def the Sepa- _u__ a_d digtfibufof, the foçkef çagino, foçkef
f3te headl_gS COnCefned.) a_f_g_, fhe _anifo_d, hO_defg FOf l_)eCtOUfS, Cy_ln_
1 . __açe the enoi_e on gtand _VO 252O WIth Fl_- _ef hea_ and o_i_ fi_fe_.
ture _VO 252_1 (see F_g. 2-13). CheCk that the
__e_oveVthe ua_ve fapDetg with foo_ _VO 2424,
Oll haS been dfaIned Off. gee Fio. 2-1q.
2 _e_ove the gtaffef _otof and felnFOfClng p_ate 4 _
_ th t_ _ _ fk f _ g
' . e_OVe e l_lng geaf CaSlng anü _e _ jn
on the _owef Ffonf edoe oF the F_yWhee_ hOUSInß. geafg Conçefn_lng too_g, gee un_ef tke kea_-
_e_OVe the F_VWhee_VhOUg_nO fOOethef W_th the . ___ _ _ t_ f_
I_ geafg_
U_ _e_IIo
_e +kUe
_ _ v Ing neplaClng _e l_lnß _ _ V __
OeafbO_ and then fe_OVe fhe C_UtCh and F_y_ ça_gha_.
UWhee_ d F h _ d b
' 5. _e_oue the çafbon fl ge fO_ t e Cy In ef O_
3 _e_ove the fgaf F_anoe taklno Cafe nOt tO da__ _ d
' V ' V feg. _e_ove the gU_p, Ol pU_p an COnneCtIng
aOe the çOnfaçt gUfFaCeg the a_tefnatOf, Watef _ _ h _
U ' fodg with D_gtong. ep aCe t e CapS COffeCt y
on theIf feS'peCtIVe COnneCtlng fOdS.
6. _ufn the enolne UpSlde dOWn and fg_OVe the
çfankghaft. _VeplaCe the CapS COffeCt_y In thelf
fegDeçf_Ue DOg_t_OnS.
AFtef _ ___anf__no, a__ the Da_g ghOU_d be thOfOUgh_y
Ç_eangd. _a_g
U_ade OF
'Stee_ Of CaSf IfOn C3n be
waghed in a deofeaSlng tank Wlth a CaUStIC SOda
go_ution. __ohf=aV__oy paftS Can, hOWeVef, be de_
gtfoved bv
_gOda SO fhaf they ShOUld pfeFe-
fab__v be Ç__eangd w_th Whlte SpIflt.
_igfo_ ng and beafino ghe__S nlUSt neVef bg WaShed In
çaugtiç goda. __ng_g fhe paftS Wlth Waf_ Watef and
b_ow fhe_ d_ w_th CO_pfeSSed aIf aFtef WaShlnß.
C_ean fhe o__
_waug w_th paffIÇUjaf thOfOUghneSS. A__
gea_ino D_uog af_the OljWay OpenlngS In the Cy_indef
__g3g b_oçk
__'ugt_ be fe_oVed dUflng the C_eanlng pfO=
Fig. 2-_q. _ernovin_ VaIUe taDDetg CeSS.
_ __