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v_uj JN LEi D U Ci AN D EX H AU Si let duct there is a hose (1 ) connected for the _A N l FO LD fresh-ai r supply At the connect_on to the o_l trap T_ _ t _ _d _ d F t _ d d_ F there _s a flame guard (5) whl Ch ConS_ StS of a metal e eX a U S man l O IS ma e O CaS -lrOn an l - ' F F th _ t d t h h F _ ht _ _ fl Iter The paftia l vaCU Um whICh af_seS In the in let efS rOm e l n e UC , W l C l S O Ig _a Oy. Th _ t d t _ t d d F _ t _ _ _ t __ d uCt when the engine _S runn ing br_ngs about e l n e UC l S l n en e Or e eC rOnICa y Con fO = ' d F _ _ t d d d h b a Fartl3l VaCU Um l n the roCker arm CaS I ng and e Ue InJeC l On an l S eSlgne a S a C am er th F _ h h t t th _ t t F CrankCase thrOugh the hOSe (2) Fresh a_ r _ S Sup- Wl O Ur Fl FeS W l C COnneC O e In e FOr S O the cy__ nder head pl _ed to the crankcase through the air cleaner via the hose (1 ) As the fresh a _ r supply passes through the ai r PO S ITIVE C RA N K CAS E vE i Ailo cleaner. 1mpur_ties are prevented from gett1 ng _ nto N l L N the eng_ ne where the e _s a h_gh or med_u m degree. r This arrangement prevents cranhcase gases from of part_al vacuum 1n the crankcase (inlet duct), be_ng released into fhe atmosphere They are _n- which happens duri ng id llng and when operat- stead sucked _nto the eng _ne through the _n let ing under a l_ght load, the system funct_ons as duct and take part _n the combust_on process described above When the part_a l vacuum _n the The res_due is blown out through the e_haust pipe crankcase is less than that i n the ai r cleaner. together w_th the other combustion res_dues wh _ch occurs at fu Il Ioad and/or wifh large flow Between the rocker arm cas_ng and the in let quant_t_es. no fresh ai r _s suppl_ed l nstead the duct there _s a hose (2, f_g 2- 1 2) It is connected flow _ n the hose ( 1 ) reverses and the cranhcase to the _ntake ma n_fold by means of a cal ibrated gases go both ways In this way, the cran kcase nipple (3) (This n_ pple shou Id be cleaned every ventilat_on system ca n deal with relat1ve Iy large 4O OOO km = 25 OOO m_ les ) Between the o_l trap, quant_t_es of cra nkcase gases w_thout any escap_ng wh ich is connected to the crankcase. and the in- i nto the atmosphere 5 G Flg. 2_l2. Po$ltlve c_ankc8$e ventll8t_lo_ l Hose for fresh air Gupply 4 Inlet duct 2 Hose for crankcase gases 5 flame guard 3 Nipple 6 Oil trap 2 . 7
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