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E_ _ _ _ _ e _ROUP 21 D E__ _ _ ___ O _ _yLl_ DER _LO_K of 1 . 2. C3mShaft aKial loCation iS maintained by __e çy__nder b_oçk (___ug__.a_.ion A) __g made oF gpe- meanS of a bronZe aKial waShef loçated at the front 'ç ___a_ çagt __ron and __g çagt .in a g_jng_e un_jEUR __he çy- end Of the Camshaft. AKial play iS determined by a ___nd'er boreg wh.içh are gurrounded by' çoo_._ng SpaCer ring behind the CamShaft gear, whiCh haS a __3çkete, are m' açh.ined d__reçt_y ._n EURhe b_oçk The o.j_- steel hub. The valve tappets are açtuated directly wayS __n t_e __oç_ are arranged go that the'o___ F.__ter by the CamShaft. They are loCated in holeS in the wh__çh _ig _oF EURUh'e Fu___-F_ow type ._g direçEUR_y attaçhed to' block above the CamShaft and trangfer movement t_e r__g_t-_an_ S'___e oF the b_o'çk A re.in Forç,_ng braç- to the ValveS by meanS of push rodg and roCker __et __g _mo_untUe_ tUo EURhe çy__inder' b_oçk and F_ywhee_ afmS. There afe no inSpeçtion Couerg for the va_ve __ouS__ng For ta Uking up u_ibr 'at.jonS gee F._g 2-_ _ tappetg SinCe thege afe aççeSgible aftef the çylin- _ ' ' _ ' def head haS been remOVed. _YLl_DER H EAD A_ D VALVEj _o__E_i___ RoDj The Cyljndef head iS SeCUfed to the bloçk by meang p_jio_j A_ D p_jio __ R___j Of bOltS. All the CombuStion Chamberg are m3çhined thfoughouEUR and have Separate inleEUR and eKhaugt The ConneCting rodS are m3de of dfop-fofged Steel portg, one for eaçh valve. and are prOV_ded With a preCiSion-maChined bugh The valves, which are fitted Sugpended in the çy_in- Wh_Ch aCtS aS a bearlng for the gudgeon pin. The der head, are made of gpeçial gtee_ and are çarried b_g-end bear_ng ShelIS are preC_SiOn-manUfaCtUred in reptaCeable guideg. The va_ve gtemg are çhromed. and afe replaCeable. The valve çoIIeEUR ig provjded with three _andg and The ß_StOnS are made Of light_aIloy and have two thg va_ve wiEURh çorregpondino orooveS, wh_çh ho_d COmpreSS_On ringS and One O_l SCfaper ring. The ' the VaIVe but algo make Suit_ab__e rot3tion poggib_e. Upper COmßreSS_On r_ng IS ChrOmed in Order EURo re- (Compare with fig. 2-22.) The valveg are provided dUCe Cyl_nder Wear. with va_ve guide rubber Sealg. whiçh are mounted The gUdgeOn pin haS a flOating fit in both the pjSton on the guideg. and ConneCting rod. The aKial movement of the gud- The Coo_ing jaçketg are deSigned go thaEUR the air geOn pin iS l_m_ted by ClrClipS in the gudgeon pin around the Spark plugS ig a_go çoo_ed. Water djgEURri- hOle_ bUt_On iS by meanS of a pipe, the water bejng di- reCted toWardS the WarmegEUR partg of the engine.
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America