Begin OCR Text: 1 9. Fit lifting lug SVO 287O in the rear end of the 5. Remove the engi ne hoist unit. Fjt the eKhaugt
en9i ne Cfig. 2-9) and lifting lug SVO 2869 in manifold flange with a new gasket. (Do not
the front end (Fig. 2-1 O). tighten the nuts.)
2O_ PrOp up the vehiCle with four props. Drain the 6. Fit washers and nuts for the front e_gine
engine oil. mounting.
2 1 . ffemoue nuts and washers For the front engine 7. Tighten the nuts for the eKhaust manifold
mounting. flange. Connect the ground lead. Fit the clamp
Remove the nuts for the exhaust manifold for the eKhaust pipe.
flange g _ower the veh_ç_e ffemove ehe __Ft_ ng _
_ . . _ i ugS.
22 RemOVe the gfOUnd lead ffom the engine g Conneçt the e_eçtr__ç _eadg Fo eh gta t' _ . r e r er mO-
23. Hook lifting beam SVO 281 O onto the Iifting tor and the plug contact and electric lead to
Iugs and adjust the block and tackle unit at the the distributor.
reaf end. Lift so th3t the engine starts rising Fit the dietributor cap and leads.
at the rear end (See Fig 2-8) _ o Con eçt th e_eçt _ _ d F th _t t_ _ . n e ric ea s or e a erna or.
Z4. Remove the front universal joint. _ 1 . F_,t the eng__ne hood.
25 RemOve the return spring for the clutch and _ 2 F_t the ad_ to th h t th _ t k
_ . l r ia r, e ose o e expansion an
the Cl UtCh Cable and SIeeve and upper and _ower ad_ato h g_ r r OSe .
26 Take off the Clamp for the exhaust pipe 1 3 Conneçt th h F th h t _ t
_ _ . e oses or e ea er e emen .
27 RemOVe the Speedometer ßear at the gear- 1 4 _emove th pr t t_ _ d k_
_ . e O eC l Ve p UgS an maS Ing
box and the eleCtriC Cable ffom the Solenoid çapg p_açe new r bb eea_ th _ _ t
_ . U er S on e l njeC ors.
28. Remove the gearboK member. Fit the injectors and distributing pipe. Fit the
29. Hoist the engine with the lifting unit and lower PreSSure reaulator_
the engine's rear end with the block and tackle. 1 f. Fit the hoses to the distributing pipe. Remove
Remove the electric cable from the gearbox the pinchers from the hoses.
eleCtriC COntaCt and inStall fhe CabIeS thfoUgh 1 6 Conneçe the e_eçtr_ç _ead For th eemp t. e efa Ure
the CIamp gengor and ehe ground _ead to th __n_et d t
_ e UC .
Pul l the engine forwafdS over the ffont mem- Conneçt the e_eçtr_ç _ d Fro eh __ tl ea m e ol empera-
ber rai Se the eng_ne Level Up the engine and ture and o__ pregg re _ the rap_d ontaçt_ _ l U In l C .
gearboK and take out the complete unit 1 7 F h _ h d h g? F h d
' . it t e oi ose an o e or t e in u Ction air.
1 8. Fit the plug contacts for the temperature sen-
sor, cold start va Ive and throttle value switch.
l NSTA LLl N G 7H E E N Gl N E 1 9. Fit the Iock pin and bracket for the thro__e
1 . Fit the lifting lugs and lifting beam. Hoist the cabIe.
eng_ne _ntO poS_t_ On and f_t the eIeCtfiC CableS 2o Conneçt ehe uaçuum hoge from the brake eer. -
on the gearboK. LoWer the engine into poSition. vo and F_t the ç_amp.
2. Fit the speedometer gear and the electric Connect the hose for the pressure eensor.
Cable On the sOlenoid - 21 Conneçt the battey _ead Fj__ w_th eng_ne o___ _ . . i
3. Fit the gearbox member and the universa I joint. and coolant.
4. fit the clutch cable. sleeve and return spri ng. 22. Fif the gear lever.
Adjust the clutch play accordi ng to Part 4 (4 1 ). Carry out function and leakage check. 2 . 5