Begin OCR Text:
va_ve gw___çh
R E_Al R l N_TRU_T_ON_
_io_l____o uuQ__o
F_g. Z_8. __f__ng oUt e_g_nB
_ "I Flg 2-1O. Liftlng IUg on Englne f_Onl End _
1 Re_ove thp _eaf _Qvef SUfe ßaUße at the ßlpe COnneCtlOn
2 P_açe a çoVn__a_ne_'-un_ef t_e engine an_ o_en 8. Re_OVe the hOSe FOf the IndUCtlOn alf
the COO_ln_ W_ atef ÇoC-k TaMke oFF thg Fll-lef
_Cap 9 Re_OVg the ßfoUnd _ead FfO_ the In_et dUCt
on the eKpVanSlOn tank and the e_eCtflÇ lead FfO_ the te_pefatUfe
_ _______Q_+ __A ___i__vp _Q__ F___ +_p __t_ef_ genSOf
_f _
_g_e_ng_o_f_anI_ _O P_nçh the fetUfn __ng FfO_ the ßfeggUfe feßU_a-
' ___e _fa_e
___ Ffo_
' +__e
__n_e+ _uç+ _e_ove t_
_e tof and the _lng Ffo_ the FUe_ tank tO the dI-
_p F
_of +_e
'_'oge F
_o_ +
' _Çy___
_n__ef _ea_
_ gtflbUtinO ßlpe Wlth plnÇhefS SVO 29O1 Re_
5 R
'e th
_ _o
_çk an
' d bf
- the
_ th
-fott_e _OVe th
-g tWO hoSeS FfOnl the dIStflbUtlnß plße
Çab_e Rg_oug the hogg Fof the ço_d Staft Va_Ve FfO
the dIStflbUtlnß plpe
6 Re_OVe the p_UO ÇOntaCtS FOf the te_ßefatUfe
gengof, the ço_
Vd gtaft va_ve and the thfott_e 1 1 Re_OVe the bfaCket Wlth the pfeSSUfe feßU_a
_e_ove +_e e_eçtf_ç _ead Ffo_ o__ te_pefatufe 12 RgnlOVe the In_gÇtOfS and Flt the_ Wlth _aSk-
a_nd oi_ o_f_eggufe gengofg
'_n the fao_d çontaçt Inß CaßS and ß_ IUß the hOleS. PlaCe the In_eC-
7 _Q__ve
_+_p ___ ofQ___fe ho_Q fof t
__Q oi_ ofe_- tOfg, the d_gtflbUt_nO ßlpe and pfegSUfe feßUla-
_ _
' _
- tOf On the heatef el-e_ent
_ 13 Re_OVe the Watef hOSeS FOf the heatef e_e=
_ent FfO_ the enOlne
14 Re_OVe the Ußß-ef fadlatOf hOSe C_OSe the
dfaln çoÇk on thg b_OÇk MOVe the COntalnff
Undef the fad_atOf
Re_oVe the _OWef fadlatOf hOSe FfO_ the
15 Renlove thg fad_atof and hoSe Fof the eKßan-
SlOn tank
16. Re_oVe the enßlne hOOd
17 Re_oVe the e_eCtfIC leadS FfO_ the altefnatOf
18 Re_OVe the IßnltlOn leadS FfO_ the Spafk ßlUßS
and the dIStf_bUtOf Cap FfO_ the dl__tflbUtOf
Re_oVe the D_uo COntaÇt and thg e_eCtflÇ _ead
V__y_o FfO_ the dISt
'flbVUtOf. Re_OVe the eleCtflÇ _ead
Flg 2_9 Llftlng lug on eng_ne _ea_ end
'U___ FfO_ the gtaftef _OtOf