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__ _ v_o_j_dvu_ od _ __ _ vo______v__o__ _HE_K_ WHEM F____M_ THE TAMK _fe fo__owi_o gfou_d be çaffigd OUt Whe_ fIIll_9 tfe _a_k _ _ . _heçk to _ake _u_e that the Ol_ _eVe_ l_ the e_oi_e i_ betwee_ thg _MaK'' a_d _M__'' _afkS o__the d_D5t_Çk (5ee FlO _-_5). 2. Without _'e_ovi_o theVçap, çheÇk that the leUef i_ the b_ake f_uid_ Ço_tai_eF i5 abOVe the _Ml_'' _aFk (5ee FlÇJ. _-_6). 3. _heçk that the çoo_a_t _gVe_ I5 betWee_ the ''MaK'' a_d ''Mi_'' _aFk5 O_ thg eKpa_SlOfI taflk (5ee F_O. _-_7). 4. _heçk Vthat t_e f_uid ço_ta__gF FOF the Wl_d- '_L'L_'L 5hie_d wa5hgF i5 Fl__ed (See Fl9. _-_8). Fig. l-lf. Oil dipstick F_g. _.i6. __a_e _iu_d _o_ia__e_ Fio. _.__. E_pa_gio_ ta_k Fig. l_l8_ FIUid cO_taiIlef __e fo__owi_o g_ou_d bg çaff_gd OUt gVefy Othe_f Week _ _ . _heçk that the e_eçtFo_vte _eVg_ __ the batteFy IS about 5 __ (3/_6'') abO_Ve the p_aEUReS (Fl9. 1=_9). _F _eçe55aFv Fi__ W_th d_g_i__ed WateF. A_SO CheCk that the ba_ttgFV a_d battefy teF_l_a_S afe Se= CUFe. _ 2. _hgÇk to _ake 5UFe that the p__SSUfe l_ the tvFe5 çoFFg5po_d to the fo__OWl_9 Va_UeS (CO_d t_VFeS)_. F_F___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ß k_/__2 (26 _______) _AU_F' . . . . . . . . . . . 2.o kfo/_Ç__ (2g fo._5._ ) __hVe_ DFe55UFe 5hOU_d a_5O be I__C' feaSe'd b_y O.3' vo_vu koJç_' 2 (4.5 o.5.i.) foF _o_o_di5ta_çe dF_vi_o at a l_5_47 5p_eI e_ _'eaF t__a+ 'o_ _aK____u_ _oF +_e ve___ç__e. Fig. 1-19. Battery 1 __6 U _ _ I I _t _ _
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