Begin OCR Text:
l __T_ U_TlO__ FO_ _U B_l_ATl _ _
After every 1O OOO km (6 OOO miles) the distributor
shaft, cam and _gnition advance mechanism should
be lubricated. The distr_butor shaft is lubricated by
filling the oIl cup (3, fig. 1-8) with engine o1l. After
f_lling, close the cup. The contact surface of the
çam disc (2) should be lubricated w_th a thin coat-
ing of grease, Bosch ft 1 v 4, o? corresponding
grease. The _gnition advance mechan_sm should be
Iubricated by pouring 2-3 drops of light engine oil
(_AE 1O W) on the wick (1) in the distributor shaft.
Fig. l_9. Ball joint
To avo_d squeaking and unnecessary wear, the
body should be lubricated as descr_bed below. Nos.
7, and 9 of the lubricat_ng scheme should be lubri-
cated approx. every 'iO OOO km (6 OOO miles) and
other parts of the body about once a year. Moreov-
er, during the winter months the locks on the doors
and the luggage compartment l_d should be glven
'i'Mi'4'O_ some anti-freeze to prevent them from freezing up.
Fig. l_8. _IstrIbutor
l LubriLating wick 2 Cam disc 3. O_l cup
7he upper and lower ball joints of the front end
together w_th the ball jo_nts of the tie rod and steer-
ing rod are plastic-l1ned. Therefore, they do not re-
qu_re lubriCating and thUS have no greaSe i_._ieS.
As the sealing is eKtremely important with regard
to the serv_ce l_fe of these ball joints, the rubber
seals should be cheched every 1 O OOO km (6 OOO
rniles) to ensure that they are not damaged. If
cracked o? damaged, they should be replaced, see
Part 6. When be_ng .fitted, the rubber seals should
be filled with multipurpose grease (universal 'iO_jc'4'_O
grease_ Fig. l_lO. Hood hi_gee