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_ _ Aftef the drain plug has been re-fitfed, Fi__ w__fh neW O_l. The oi_ ghou_d reaçh uo to the fj__er ho_e and the oil capacity ig abouf _ .3 __treg (2.2g _mp.- P_ntS = 2.74 US pintS). for çhangino the o__ _n the flnal df_Ve, Oll Whiçh meefe the requ_iremenEURg oF the AmefICan MIlitary Standard M_ L_L-2_ o5 B, SAE go, _S nOrmally USed. Where the air temperature _g çon_ t_nUOUSly below -_ O'__ (14_f), however, SAE go ShOU_d bg ueed. ' A flnal dr_Ve fitted With a differenfia_ _oçk jg f___ed at the faCtory with a trangmiegion oj_ wh__çh meefg the requirements of the Ameriçan M___faru Standard ___p__ _p____M__ _______.M___ Ml L-L-21 Of B pfOVided with an additiv'e for f_na_ UC__'___U_O__ ' dr_VeS With differentia_ _oçk. For gubgeouent topp- F. _ _ _ _ __g-Up and Whgn Çhanging, uge oi_ aççord_ino fo M_L_ l9' - ' 'a e _lU'Id COlIta_l_e' L-21 O5 B haV_ng the above_mentioned add__t_ve. The l_ Oll leVel ShOUld be Çheçked and fhe oj_ çhanoed at the Same interva_e and in the eame wa_ ae_ For a f_nal dfive without a differenfia_ _oçk. ' _H E_K_ N G __AKE F__l_ _ E_E_ ThIS CheCk Can be made withou_t t_akjn_o_o_FF_t_he çap. (Flg. 1 _7). If the çheçk ig çarrjed ouf _in çonneçEUR__on W_th a ViSit to a workehop, the _eve_ ghou_d be attended to if it is lower than the _ MaK__ mark. , STEERl N G BOX Undef nO C_rCUmStançeg may fhe _eve_ be be_ow _o chech the oi_ _eve_ _n the gteer__ng boK, remove the '' M_n'' mark. fhe fi__er p_uo (fio. _ -6) and fhen ç_eç_ to engure If neCeSSafy, top up wikh firgf-ç_agg brake f_u__d _ fhaEUR EURhe oi_ r_ea'çh_eg up' to fhe ho_e _For _t_e piug. Wh_Ch meetS the requirementg aççordjno fo SAe 7o _orma__y if ig noEUR neçeegary fo çhang'e t_e_ o___ '_in fhe R 3. Brake fl Uid With the _afer degionaf_ion SAE 7o gteerino boK eKçeot afier reçond__f_jon__n_g _ae' _een R 3 (j7OB) Or SAE 7O J1 7O3 çan a_go_be uged. __ean ça?ried_ out. Howe_ver. ghou_d the o___ _av_e toU be the bfake fIUid Çonfainer çap before remova_ and çhanoed for anu reagon, the o__ o___ ça' n__e guç_ed ObSe_i Ve maKimUm ç_ean_inegg when fi__ing w_fh o___. ' out b_y ugjng a 'guifab_e dev__çe.UFor' eKamUp_e, anho___ AVOld Sp_Il_ng bfake fIUid on to fhe paintwork g_nçe _', gyringe, whiçh _e _ngerted fhroug_ t_e F____er _o_e, th_S WiII damage it. _heçk fo make gure fhaf the .' or fhe gteer_no boK çan a_go b _e _rem'o'v' e_ _and Ve.nt-hole in the çap ie nof b_oçked. j ; e_ptled. Hypoid_ oil SAE gO ig ueed for the gtUeer_no bO_ all the year round. _ 1_ The O_l CapaCjty of the efeering boK ig O.25 __tre (o.44 Ij Imp. pint= O.53 US pint). ' i
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America