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_ _O2)v4_ Fig. 1_. Ove,d,lve v_o___vo3 Re-flt the dfain plugg and boit on the çovef ge- Fig __ ç_e__i,g __e oii ie,ei CUfely. Flll With neW oi_. Fi__ giow_y to enab_e EURhe oi_ _ _'g_ o'__ _eue_ oo_d _,g,gm._$g_o_ tO fUn OVer into the oVefdfiUe. The oi_ ghou_d feaçh _'. M_,.' o__ _eve_.'_o_d _,a,gm_gg_o, u_ to t_e F_i_ef _o_e __ ___g _-__ _çfew t__g_t t_e 3. M8_. oil level. warm _ran8miggio, f _i_ _ F '' _ ' tl' l ' l _l' _ _ Il 4. Min. o_l level. Warm tr8nsm,gg_D, l ef pIUg. Or a geafboK With ovefdfive, engine oi_ W_th viSCoS_ty _AE 3O iS uged ai_ the yeaf found. Ag an altefnatiVe. multigfade oil _AE 2O W-4O çan be USed. The O_l Changing qUantity ig 1 .6 litfeg (2._1 F_NA_ DR_vE Imp. pintS = 3.3_ U_ pintg). TO CheCk the oil levcl. remoue the fi__ef p_ug (1, Fig. 1-5) and then CheCh to ensure that the oil feaçheg up to the hole for the p_ug. W_th a neW of feConditioned finai dfive, the oi_ AuTOMAT_C TRAN______ON ShoU_d be çhanged aftef the fifgt 2 5OO km (1 5OO Nofmally oil çhanging on_y needg to be çaff_ed out m_leS). Oil Chang_ng ShOUld there(ore be çarried when the transmission ig feçonditioned. The oii OUt Only When OVerhauling is being done. levg_, on the oEURhef hand, ghou_d be çheçked a_ef Oll Chang_nß ShOUld pfefgfably be done jmmedja- every 1O OOO km (6 OOO mi_eg). tely aftef the vehiCle has been driven and while the The veh._çie ghou_d EURhen gtand _evei _ove the ge Oll jS StIll Wafm. When draining the oil femove EURhe i _ ' - plUgS mafked _ and 2 in FIg _=5 eCtOf eVef tO pOg_tjon __'' and _et the enoine fun __ean the t. _ i2) 'i_ _t . f EUR . at _dling Speed. Wipe off the dipStiçk with_a nyion poftançe F mof a9tnhee IC_._fPet U._mge f WeEURh ' EUR. lS _ O d9. fea t lh mEUR ClOth, papef of ChamoiS leather. Do not uge wagte pafEUR._ç__ nd uthef .impuft Oeg aç eç Ina_aEUR fd IVed . a Of fIUffy fagS. InSeft the dipgtiek. pu__ it up and the fu_ ng ._n afe femoved l l UmU e Ufln9 CheCk the Oil leVel. _ee Fig. 1-4. _._. The_e a_e dif_ ' 'l - ' fe_ent leVeIS tof a waf_ of çoid EURfang_iggion. fof a Wafm tfanSmiSS_on, whiçh ig the çage a_ef dfiv- _ng _1 O km (_7 mi_eg), the uppef geçtion app_ieg (3 and 4, flg. 1-4). The _oWef geçtion (1 and 2, Fio. 1-4) aßpl_eS to a COld transmission. The EUReKt on th_e dlpStiCk will aISo femind you of thig. If neCeSSafy, fill Up with o_l unti_ the _eve_ feaçheg the ''Ma_'' mafk. Do not fill above thig mafk. aS th_S Can CaUSe the transmission to beçome ovef- heated. The diffefenCe betWeen EURhe ''k4in and _a_'' mafkS _S aboUt O.5 litfe (1 pinEUR). fof topping-up, USe Oll ATF, Type F, that ig, a f_uid meetino fofd SpeCifiCation H2_ 33F. _ If ffequent filling Up ig found fo be neçeggay. EURhig v,ou__uu,? _nd_CateS leakage Whiçh mUst be puEUR fighEUR immedia- Fig. _-_. F_,,,i d,_,ve tely. _. F___,, p_,g _ _,a_,, p_,g 1__2
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America