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_ERVO _yL_N_ER _ype ................................................ DireCt operating Make ...... ......................................... At e _ Degignation ........................................_. Bromsgerät T 5'. __atjo ................................................ 1.2.7 _ARKjNG _RAKE Brake drum_. Diameter ..... ... .. ................................ Ma_. 178.33 mm (7.O'') _adial throw ............................ ........... Ma_. O.15mm (O.OO6'') Out-of-round ....................................... Ma_. O.2mm (O.OO8'') Brake __ningg, effn_çtive area .... ....................... 1J5 çm2 (2J gq.in.) TjGHTENjNG TORQUE_ Kpm Lb. ft. Attaching bolts, frontbrake caliper .................... .. _1O 6f7O Attaching bolts, rear brake caliper ....................,. _7 4f5O Attaching nuts. rear guard plate ........................ 3.74.4 27-32 Whee_ nutg .......... ................................ 1_14 7_1OO Stop bolt. master cylinder ................._.......___. 1.3 9.5 Attaching nuts, master cylinder ........................ 2.4 17 Bleed nipples ..................,,_,..,_,_____,_,,____ O,_O_6 34,5 Brake pipes .. ....................... .....,,....,__,_. 1.1-1.5 f11 Brake hoseg .. ..... .................................. 1._2.O 12-15 __ug, brake va_ve .,.......... ......................... 1_12 7_85 Loçknut, brake valve .................................. 2.f3.5 1f25 Warning va_ve, gwitçh ... .............................. 1._2.O 1_15 F__ E _E__ E_ WHEELALjGNMENT(UnjOadedVehl_je) Caster .............................................. O to +1O Camber ............................................. Oto +_/z' King pin inclination at camber of O' .................... 8' Toe-in ............................................... Oto4mm(OtoO.16'') Toe-out Ata2O' turn ofthe outerwheelthe innerwheelshould be turned ... .......................................... 21.5to 23.5'' _TEERING GEAR Steering wheel diameter ............................... 4O6.4 mm (16'') Number ofturns frOm stop to stop ..,................... 31__ turns Steering bo_. make and type ........................... Gemmer. ''caM and ball'' reduction ratio ........................... 15.5_.1 Lubricantforsteering bo_ .............................. Hypoid oil SAE8O Capacity ....... ...................................... O.25litre(O.44lmp. pint=O.53USpint) Tightening tofqUeS Kpm Lb. ft. Nutfor spindle bearing ................................ 7 _5O Clamp nut, upperwishbone ............................ 1._2.5 14-18 Nutforrubber bush, upperwishboneshaft ............... 5._.2 4O45 Bolt, upperwishboneshaft ............................. 5.f7.O 4_5O Nut for lower ball joint ................................ 4.f5.5 354O Nutforrubber buffer, lowerwishbone ................... 2.1-3.5 15-25 Steering wheel nut .................. ..... ............ 2.84.O _ 2_3O Nutforpitman arm .. ... .. ............... ............ t4-17 1O_12O Locknutfortie rod ...... .............................. 7.f9.O 5_5 Nut forsteering rods and tie rods (ball joints) ............ 3.2-3.7 2f27 Nutforsafetydeuice .................................. f5 22-36 O.14
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America