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_J_H_E_J__ _O_QlUE_ APPLICATlOhl Lb. ft. Kpm Tor_ue converter-drive plate ......................... 2f3O 3.f4.1 Transmission case - converter housing ................ b13 1.1-1.8 EKtension housing -transmission case ................. 3_55 4.1-7.6 Oil pan-transmission case ........................... b13 1.1-1.8 Frontgeruo-transmigsion cage ....................... f13 1.1-1.8 Reargervo-transmission case ........................ 1b27 1.b3.7 Pump adaptor-front pump body ...................... 17-22 2._3.O Slotted screws ....................................... 2-3 O._.4 Pump adaptor-transmission case ..................... f18.5 1.1-2.6 Rearpump-transmissioncase ........................ 4-7 O.bO.41 Slotted screws ....................................... 1.7-3.O O.2fO.41 Centre support-transmission case .................... 1_t8 t._2.5 Outer lever- manual valve shaft ...................... 7-9 1.O-1.2 Pressure point ....................................... _5 O.bO.7 Oil pan drain plug .................................... f1O 1.1-1.4 Oil tube collector- lower body ........................ 1.7-2.5 O.2fO.35 Governor line plate- lower body ...................... 1.7-2.5 O.2fO.3f Lower bodyend plate- lower body .................... 1.7-2.5 O.2fO.35 Upper body end plate frontorrear- upper body ........ 1.7-2.5 O.2fO.35 Upper body- lower body ............................. 1.7-2.5 O.2_.35 Valve bodies assembly - transmission case ............ 4.f9 O.b1.2 front pump strainer-lowerbody ...................... t.7-2.5 O.2fO.35 Downshiftvalve cam bracket-value body .............. 1.7-2.5 O.2fO.35 Governor Inspection cover- eKtension housing .................. _5 O.64.8 Cover plate-governor body .......................... 1.7_.O O.254.55 Brake band adjuatment Adjusting screw nut-frontservo lever ................. 1f2O 2.1-2.8 Adjusting screw locking nut. rear servo-case .......... 2f3O 3._.1 Speci8l tfreaded parta Starter inhibitor switçh loçknut ......................... 4_ O.bO.8 Downshiftvalve cable adaptor-transmission case ...... 8-9 1.1-1.2 Coupling flange - driven shaft ........................ 3f5O 4.f6.9 _RO_E_LER _HAF_ Type ................................................ Tubular.divided,threeuniversaljoints, support bearings Universaljoints ............ ........................... fittedwith needle bearings Lubricant, sliding joint(when assembling) ................ Molybdenumdisulphidechassis grease universaljoints .............................. Chassisgrease. furtheraddition notrequired REAR AXLE Rear axle, type ....................................... Semi-floating Track ............................................... t35O mm (53.15'') Fj_aJ dfIVe Type ................................................ Spiral bevel (hypoid) Reduction ratio ....................................... 4.1O_.1 or4.3O.1 Backlash ............................................ O.13-O.2O mm (O.OO5-O.OO8'') Pre-loading on pinion bearings. new bearings ............ 11-23kpcm (9.5f2O.Olb. in.) run-in bearings .......... b11 kpcm (5.21-9.55_ -n.) Pre-loading on differential bearings ..................... O.13-O.2O mm (O.OOfO.O__'') Lubricant ............................................ Hypoid oil uiscosity ................................... SAE 9O Oil capacity .......................................... appro_. 1.3litres(2.28lmp. pints=2.74 US pints) O.12
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America