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E____ E _ATTE_y Type ...................... .................,....,.,, Tudor6EX4E Voltage .............................................. 12 volts Grounded ............................................ Negatiue pole Battery, capacity. standard ............................. 6O Ah Specific gravity of electrolyte. Fullycharged battery ................................ 1.28 When recharging is necessay ....................... 1.21 Recommended charging current ........................ 5.5 amps ALTE__ATO_ S.E.V.MOTOROLA14V-7t2lO2O2 Output .............................................. 49O W Max. amperage ....................................... 35 A Ma_. speed ............................ .............. 15OOO r.p.m. Direction of rotation .................................. Optional Ratio. engine - alternator ............................ 1_.2 Min. Iength. brushes .................................. 5 mm (O.2'') Tighteningtorque_. Attachingscrews ..................... O.284.3Okpm(2._2.2lb.ft.) Nutforpulley ........................ 4kpm(29lb.ft.) Test vaIues field winding resistance ........................ ....... 5.2tO.2 ohm Voltage drop across isolating diode ..................... O.bO.9 V Output test ............ .............................. 3OA(min.at3OOOr.p.m.andapproK13V) BOSCHH1 -14V3_A2O Output .................._............................ 49O W MaK. amperage ....................................... 35 A MaK. speed .......................................... 12OOO r.p.m. Direction of rotation .................................. Clockwige Ratio, engine - altern3tor .... ......................... 1_.2 Min. diameter of slip rings ............................. 3t.5 mm (1.24'') MaK. permissible radial throw on, slip rings ............ .. O.O3 mm (O.OO12'') rotor body ............. O.O5 mm (O.OO2O'') Min. lengthofbrushes .... ............................. 8 mm (O.31'') Brush pressure ....................................... O.34.4kp (6.b8.8 Ib.) Tightening torque for pulley ............................ 3.f4.Okpm (2b29lb.ft.) Teat vaIues Resistance in, stator .................................. O.26+O.O3 ohm fotof ................................... 4.O+O.4 ohm Output test .......................................... 35A(min.at6OOOr.p.m.and 14V) VOLTA_E _E_U_ATO_ S.E.V.Motorola14V-33_2_ Control voltage, cold regulator ......................... 13.1-14.4 V afterdriving45minutes .. ............... 13.85-14.2f V BOSCHAD-14V Controlvoltageat4OOOalternatorr.p.m., cold regulator, read within 3O seconds (lowertwo contacts) .................. 14._15.O V Loadcurrent, lowertwocontaçts ........................ 2b3O A Control range (between two upperand lowercontacts) .... O4.3 V Load current. uppertwo contacts ....................... 3-8 A O;8
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America