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_ _ _ _ _ _ROUP O3 E_REET_ D WElT_ _ength ...... .... .................................... 435O mm (t71.25'') Wjdth ........ .................... ................... 17OO mm (67.O'') Height .... .......................................... 128O mm (5O.4'') Whee_bage ........................................... 245O mm (96.5'') Track. front .. ........................................ 131O mm (51.6'') rear .. .............................. .......... 131O mm (51.6'') C_earance ............................................ 155 mm (6'') Turning circle ........................................ 9 m (3Oft.) Curbweight .......................................... 117Okg (258Olb.) _UBRlATl _ EN_INE Lubricant. type .... ................................... Engine oil grade ...................................... Service MS viscosity. all year round ...................... MultigradeoilSAE 1OW-3O at continuous temp. below -2O'C (4'F) .................... Multigradeoil SAE5W-2O Or viscosity below-1O'C (14'_f) ...... .......... SAE 1OW between-1Oand +3O'C(14and86'F) SAE 2O/2OW above +3O'C (86'F) ................ SAE 3O Oil change quantity. without oil filter .................... 3.25 litres(5.72lmp.pints=6.86USpints) with oil filter ...................... 3.75litres(6.6Olmp.pints=7.91 USpints) _EARBOX WlTH OVERDRIVE tubricant, type ....................................... Engine oil grade .. .................................... Service MS viscosity, all yearround ...................... SAE 3O alternative ......................... Multigradeoil SAE2OW-4O Oil change quantity. gearboK and overdrive .............. 1.6 litres (2.81 Imp. pints=3.38 US pints) AUTOMATl_ TRAN_Ml__lON Lubricant .. .......................................... AutomaticTransmission Fluid,Type F Oil capacity .......................................... 6.3litres (11.O9lmp. pints=13.29US pints) FlNAL DRlVE Lubricant,type,withoutdifferential lock .................. Oil acc.to MIL-L-21O5B with differentiat lock .. .................. Oilacc.to MIL-t-21O5Bprovidedwith additivefordifferential lock viscosity. above-1OOC (14__F) .... ....... SAE 9O below-1O'C (14'f) ........... SAE 8O Oil change quantity ................................... 1.3 litres (2.28lmp. pints=2.74USpints) _TEERIN_ BOX Lubricant, type ....................................... Hypoid oil viscosity, all yearround ...................... SAE 8O oil capacity ................................. O.25litre(O.44lmp. pint=O.53US pint) O_.2
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America