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P 18OO FITTING FlTTlNG 1 _ CO,nect up the lead and move the rubber 1 . Pla,e ihe in,t,ume,t i, po,itio,. pfOteCtOf OVef into poSition. 2. Pui ihe pi,kup, ih,ough the ,ubbe, bu,h;,g ,,d 2. Place the instrument in positíon, fit the clamp__ insert them through the bulkhead. SP,ing WaShers, earth connection and nuts. 3. Tighten up the ínstrument. Do ,oi fo,get ihe 3, HoId the instrument in po,itio, a,d tjghie, the earth Connection, nuts weII_ 4_ Fit the pickup bodies in their respective pla,e,. 4. Fit the baiie,y ie,mi,aI a,d ,ea,i the ,lo,k by When fitting, make sure that the termìnations of pushing i, ihe ,etij,g k,ob. the measuring pipes at their respective connec- _f ihe ,l,,k ,u,, fa,i o, ,low, _,i ,,, be ,dj_u,ted by tiO,S are coiled a couple of turns in order to ab- mea,, ,f th, ,,f,,i,,, ,,,low,, ,dj_,,t.,,g ,,,,w ,, ih, sorb vibration, from the engine. front of the clock. This finely adjusts the baIance ' wfeeI sPring. When turned clockwise, a larger REp_A___G THE O__ pRE__uRe GAuGe ' part of the balance spring is engaged and ihe ffeMovlNG clock runs slower. When turned a,iì-,Io,kwj,e, 1 . D.,,,o,,e,i ihe p.,pe f,om ihe o.,l p,e,,,,e _ the spring is shortened and the rever,e take, gauge place. One graduation on the indicating scale ,o,- 2 i,ke 'o,i ihe b,lb holde, ,,d ,emo,e th, responds to about 5 minutes per 24 hourS. ' ,lamp, wh.,,h hold ihe .,,,i,,m,,i. o__ TE_peRATuRE GAuGE A_D FITTING _ _oo_A_T TE_pERA 1 _ Place the instrument in position and tighie, it TURE GAUGE up. TESTING THE TEMPERATURE GAUGE AND 2, Connect the oiI pipe. Do not forget the seaIi,g REMOVING THE PICKUP BODy washer. If anY fauIt is suspected in either of the tempera- 3. _tart the engine a,d ,he,k the i,,t,ume,i fo, tUfe gauges, carry out the following check be- leakage. fore removing. 1 . In the case of both gauges it is necessary __o REvo_uT_o_ _ou_TeR Iower the Ievels of the liquid before the pick- Fu___._o_ __e _ Up_ are removed. If the pickups have got ,tu,k, o _ prise ihem ,arefulIy ba,kwa,ds a,d fo,wa,d,. REV LUTlOM COUWTER (earIY produGtio_) Be ,a,eful wj.ih ihe me,,,,_,,g p_,p,,. In the event of any fault on the revolution counter, 2. _mme,,e ihe p.,,k,p body _,, a ,o,i,.,,e, f.,Iled the fUnction of the instrument can be checked by w_iih hoi wate,. A, o,d_j,ay a,d p,ev.iou,Iy COn,eCting an ammetef fof 1O millíampS or more ,h,,k,d m,,,,,y ih,,m,m,t,, .,, ,,,d f,, (maximum 1 OO miIliamps) between the chassis (-) _ g m,k_,,g ,omp,,ai.,,e ,e,d.,,g, _, ,,d,, to ob- and terminal p~n ''M'' (+). ' ia,.n good mga,u,.,,g ,e,,Ii, 'both ihe p.,,k,p At 28OO r_p_m_ the ammeter shouId give a reading _ b,dy ,,d ihe,momeie, ,ho;Id be p,,,,,ted of 1 O miIIîamps, The internal resistance of the I f,om ,om_i,g .i,io ,o,ta,t w.iih ihe boiiom of ammetef mUSt be leSs than 7O ohm, withi, ihe ihe ,o,ia.i,er. meaSUfing range ConCerned. _, If the ammeter does not gìve any reading, first Rep_o_i_g __e o.__ _e_pe_o_u_e gouge CheCk that there ís no fault ~n the leads. lf the o__ _ooio__ _e_pepo_upe gouge leads are intact, the troubIe is probabIy in the ffEMovlMG Píckup, In the case of a fauIty pîckup and/or 1 D instrument of earIy production, replace the instru- . . iSConneCt one of the battefy te,mi,al,. me,e w_,th o,e hav.,,g a buI.,t-_,, p.,,kup. ih_i, u,_,t 2. Remove the pickup concerned as described is wired up a, ,how, i, Fig. 17. The lead, fo, ihe Under the previous heading. oId pj,kup a,e removed. . ' 3_ UnSCrew the nuts and carefully pull out the N.B. The lead from ihe ig,jtjo, ,oil to the dj,t,,- inStfUment_ Be Careful not to make sharp bends butor ,houId be wj,ed a,,o,, ihe ,evoluiio, ,ou,- in the delicate measuring pipes. ter, see fu,ihe, u,de, ,,De,,,ipiio,,, o, page 5. . 9-8
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