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P 18OO R E P A l R l N _ T R U _ T l O N _
_enerol The i_strume_t shows ''Full''
Before removing or fitting any of the instruments, 1 . Disconnect the lead terminal on the tank fitting.
one of the battery connections must always be Switch on the ignition.
femoved and lifted C Ieaf of the battefy, ThiS 2. Ea,th the iead ,o,,e,ted to the ta,k f;tti,g
preCautionay meaSUre aISo appl ieS to inStrumentS wjth the heip of a te,t (ead. if the poi,te, goe,
which are not connected electrical Iy, for example, ove, to '' Empty'', the,e i, ,othi,g w,o,g with
the oil pressure gauge and temperature gauge. the iead o, djal. The fauit i, to be fou,d i, the
Otherwise the connecting lines, particularly those ta,k fitting.
from the temperature gauge, Can Cause Shoft- 3. ie, whe, ca,,y,i,g out the,e te,t,, the po,j,te,
circUitS which Can be both d ifficult and expensive doe, ,ot go ove, to,, Empty1 1, ai,o d_i,,o,,e,t '
to fepair. Al l the inStfUmentS afe total Iy enCloSed the (ead at the te,m_i,ai o, the _i,,t,ume,t.
and Can therefore not be diSmantled WithoUt in- Co,,e,t the ,o,ta,t ,c,ew to ea,th by mea,,
terfering with the rim of the instrument. l n many ,e a t,,t i,,d. if th, .,,,t,,m,,t _,, ,,d,m,g,d, _
CaseS, repairS can involve such extensive work the po.i,te, ,houid the, go ove, to 1, Empty,1.
that it iS not j UStified when considering the conti- othe,w_iSe the eau(t _i, due e_ithe, to poo, ,o,-
nued rel iabil ity of the instrument or from a purely t,,t o, the te,m_,,ai, betwee, th, _,,,t,,me,t
CoSt point of VieW Compafed With a neW ìnStfU_ a,d iead to the ta,k f_itt_i,g o, a b,eakage _i, _
me,t ie howeve, ,epai ,, have to be ,a,,jed out
' 1 , the lead. A faU lty InStfUment or tank fitting
fof any paftiCUlar feaSon) it íS feCommended that ,hou(d be ,epia,ed w_jth ,ew pa,t,.
the work should be entruster to an authorized
instrument repair workshop. _ h
Rep o_ing _ e instrument
1 . Disconnect one of the battery terminals.
Fu E_ _Au_E 2. Remove the leads_ Mark the poSition of the
Before removing any component belonging to the b
3. unSCfeW the nUtS and U lb hOldef.
fuel gauge, the fault should first be localized aS
de,,,,ibe_ beiow. 4. Lift oUt the i,StfUment.
First check the lead terminals of the instrument to F_T___G
ensure that they make good contact Switch on
' 1 . Fit the retainefS, Spfing WaShefS a,d ,UtS.
the ignjtion CheCk by meanS of a Vojtmeter or teSt
' TIghten the n UtS, at the Sama tlme pfeSSlng
Iamp that there is voltage on the feed side of the th, .,,,t,,m,,t ,p ,g,.,,,t th, .,,,t,,m,,t p,,,i _ '
instrument When this has been ascertained con- '
' ' Do not forget the eafth ConneCtion.
tinUe teStIng aS fol loWS. 2. Connect uF the terminals. '
The .i_strume_t shows I_Empty__ 3_ CheCk the fUnCtion of the inStrUment.
1 D.,,,,,,,,t th, i,,d t,,m.,,,i ,, th, t,,k f.,tt.,,g _
' ,,d h,id th, i,,d ,way e,,m th, v,h;ci, f,,me. Replo_ing the fonk _itting
Switch on the ignition. The fueI gauge should REMOVIMG
then show '' Full''. 1 . Make sure that the ignition key is in the
switched-off position.
2. If the instrument shows '' Empty'', disconnect
the (ead o, the ,i,,t,ume,t ithe iead wh_j,h 2_ Take oUt the Spafe Wh. eel and tUf, baCk the
,o,,ect, the actuai ,i,,t,ume,t to the ta,k mat_
e_,tt_,,g). if the _,,,t,ume,t ,,w ,how, ,1 F,( i1,, 3. Blow well clean round the tank fitting with
the,e .,, ,oth.,,g w,o,g w,,th ;t a,d the eguit compressed air.
wil l either be in the tank fitting or in the con- 4. Disconnect the lead, remove the screws which
necting lead to the instrument. hold _the tank fitting and l ift it out.
. 9-6