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The p I Ck Up bOdy and _nd i Catoi faCe aie ConneCfed _ _
tO eaCh Othef by mean S of a ConneCfi ng p ipe with
a Ve iy SmaI l intefnal d j amefei. The pi pe i S Sen_
S'It'IVe tO eXtefnal i nfl UenCe and iS fheiefoie piokeC_ _
ted With a Sp I ial CaSj ng whi Ch al So pievenkS ShaiD
bendS ffOm OCC Ufj ng i n the pipe. The pi Ckup bod_y
I S I n the Shape Of a Smal l Conkainei. _k iS Da_lv g
fl' Iled Wlth a m _XtU fe Of Volafi l e Ijq u idS piinC'j paJ Jv'
COnSl StIng Of ethe f (aCetOne j n khe o i l fempe iafu ie' 8 4
gaUge). When thg fempe fafU ie ii SeS, khe l iqu id in
the pl Ck Up bOdy CaUSeS an i n C ieaSe i n pieSSuie p
pfOpOftI OnaI tO thg kempeiaku ie, wh i Ch _ i S kianS_
m 'Itted In the ab OVe_m gntioned ConneCfing pi De
tO the tUb U Iaf Spf_ng SySfem in fhe i nd i Cafoi fa_Ce
Paft Of the gaUge, The flat tUbular Spií ng kh en
tendS tO StFaighten itSelf ouk, moving a kianS- 6 _
m 'Ittl ng afm Wh _ Ch _ nfl UgnCeS fhe i ndi Cafoi of fhe
'l nStiUment th fOUgh a Sujfab Ie iedu Cfion d ijve.
The l ndj CatOf l S I n the fo rm of a band made of
p J aStl C mate iia_.
The l nd I CatOf SCale iS g fad Uated eithei in ' _ oi _
O F. The COOl ant tempe iatUfe pi Ckup i S fikfed i n fhe
ieaf paft Of the Cy_ _ ndei head and khe oi l kem_
peiakuie p,j Ckup _iS ConneCfed ko khe eng.j ne Sump _ yg_,v,_
' Fjg. 1 O. S_hemati_ view o_ temperature gguge.
__ _ _D ___ _ D _ _ _ __ _ 1 _ TOOth Segfnent 6. Con neCtion to oj _ te_-
l _ _. l
____ V _E V_V V_ 2_ TfanSnlit(ing affn pefatu ie pj Cku p
e Ol pfeSSUfe gaUge _ S ConneCted to khe eng ine 3. _ nd i Catoi _Ca_e p. TofS_ion Spi_ing
l Ubfj Cat_ng SyStem by meanS of a kh in pi pe. _ieS- 4, l ndi Cator band 8. Tubu_af Spii ng
Su ie alfeiafionS i n fhe I ubii Caking SySkem aie kianS_ 5_ DfU_ fOf band 9. ConneCtion to Coolant
m ikked kh iou_h khe pi pe ko khe o,i l pieSSu ie gauge. te_o. efatUie píckUp
Th _ S jS baSed_ on a tUbU lai Spii ng SySfem ConSfiuC-
j 2 3
ted jn S UCh a Way khak khe kubu lai Spiing fend S fo
Stfa_g hten _tSelf OUt Undef pfeSSuie. ih i S move-
ment l S tfanSm _tted th fOUgh a levei ko khe Doinfei
Shaft_ A tOfSi On Spfi ng tend S ko move khe p_ ointe i
tOWafd S the '' O' ' pOSiti On. ihe maxim um oil Die S_ _
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