Begin OCR Text:
GfOU_ 91_ l_StfU_afltS ,'
FUel 9aUae .................................. _ _
_peedO_etef ................................ 2 _
CIOCk ...................................... 3
OIj te_pefatUfe gaUge 8nd Coolant te_pefatufe
0aUae .................................... 3 _ ',
Oll pf0SSU.fe gaUae .......................... 4 '
ReVOIUtIOnCOUntgf ............................ 5
Rgpa'If'InStfUCtjOnS l_',,
FUel ßaUa0 .................................. 6
. '_peedO_etef ................................ 7 '
RepjaC'l.ng the CloCk .......................... 7
O'Il te_pef8tUfa 0aUge and COOlant te_pefatUfe i'
aaUae .................................... 8 ,
ReplaG.Inathe Oll pfeSSUfe gaUge .............. 8 i
ReVOjU.tlOnCOUnt$f ............................ 8 _
GfOU_94_Haata_SyStanI _
He8tef ...................................... _O .
Repa'If 'InStfUCt'lOng
He8taf ...................................... __ ._
ReplaCInathaVentllatlOndaVICeWIthContfoIS .... _3
_p0Cl_'ICatlOn_ ................................ _3 l,