Begin OCR Text:
_ _
P _ 2O, P l 8OO fig. _ 8. Removing ihe inner beorin_'g'_rìng. _
7. press _in ihe new beoring rings. For ihe _inner _
,._u,,,o beoring ring. use drift SVO l 79a (Fig. 2O)
'_ '''' ond _or the ouier beoring ring, driFt SVO
Fig. l 6. Removing the hub. _ 797 (F_g. 2_ ), together w_ih stondord hond-
Ie SVO l 8Ol .
8. Greose tfe beorings with ihe felp of o pres-
sure greoser. IF one of these is not ovoiloble.
5. Remove the beoring rings. Use drift SVO pock tfe beorings by hond with as much
l 799 |