Begin OCR Text:
P l 2O, P l 8 OO
D E _ C R l P T l O N
The shock obsorbers on the Volvo P l 2 O Stotion on fhe P l 2 O o nd P l 8OO. On the P l 2 O Stofion
. Wagon ond P l 8 OO ore of the fydroulic, double- Wogon, the wheel movement upwords is lim_ited
acti ng. telescopic type. They require no moi nte- by on ouxi liory rubber spri ng .
nonce ond co nnot be dismontled . 7he reor shock
o bsorbers Qre i ncl i ned 'i nwords toword, the ,en-
tre oF the body.
Sfock o bsorber bonds (3. Fìg. 3) ore Fiffed be- DE SIGN
tween each support orm ond the body. These ihe de,_,g , o_ the ,ho,_ o b,o,be,, _,, ,how, _, ,
prevent domoge to the reor shock obsorbers by F_,g . 7. i_e o,te, ,y_ __ nde, ( _ ) ,e,ve, o,_y o, o
li miti ng wheei movement downwords. Wheel p,ote,*_,on ogo_, ,,* d ,,t ond d_, ,t. ife otf,, *wo
movement upwords is limited by rubber bufFers ,y__, nde,, (i) ond (4) o,e ,on,e,*,_,,o __y o,,onged.
one i nside the other. The in ner cyli nder (2) is
_ the octuo l work i ng cyli nder. tfe lower end of
wh ich is prov_ided with n vo Ive (6). l nside the
i nner cyl i nder there is o piston (5) _i n wh ich holes
ore dri l led, the possoge oF oi l th rough these holes
bei ng control led by va Ives.
Tfe pi ston is ottoched to a piston rod 3), the
_ _ upper end oF wh ich Forms on ottoch ment to the
body. At the opposite end oF 1he shock o bsorber
- _ o si mi Ior screw ottach menr _i s fitted to the reser-
voi r cy Ii nder (4) . The spoce between the cyl'i nders
(27 o nd (4 serves os a reservo_i r and is only
8 - _ portiol Iy Fi l led with Fi uid. The i nner cy Ii nder (i)
is completely Fi l led with fl u id on both sides of the
piston (5). The cover (8) serves os o seol o nd
p g uide for the piston rod (3). The ri ng (7) octs os
3 o bo Ffle for the fl u id.
When tfe shock absorber is compressed or ex-
tended tfrough the suspension oF the veficle. the
_ piston (5) i s Moved i n the i n ner cyli nder (2). Fl uid
_ then flows fhrough the vo lve-control led holes i n
the piston . The speed wifh wh icf the piston
moves i s determ i ned by the rote ot wh ich the
FIuid posses th ro_gh the holes from one side oF
the piston to the ofher. S'i nce the dri Iled holes
6 o,e ve,y ,o,,ow. the Fi ui_ ,o , o,_y po,, tf,ougf
_ slowly. fh us broki ng the Movement oF *he piston.
When the shock obsorber _is sudden Iy com pressed
or eKtended, o further broki ng eFFect _is coused
by tu rbulence i n the FIu id pQssing th rough fhe
holes i n the piston. This dompens any rolli ng
F_,g _ Sfo,k o b,o,be, tendency on the port of the veh_icle o nd ensures
' ' ' smootfer ridi i_g .
l . 0ust cover Wfen tfe ,fo,k ob,o,be, i, ,o Mp,e,,ed o, ex-
2. Working cylinder tended, tfe vo_ u Me o, eo,f ,ide oF tfe pi ,*o,_ i,
3. Piston rod not o_te,ed by tfe ,o Me omou,* ,i ,,e tfe pi,ton
_. Re_ervoir cylinder the piston rod o,,up_ie, o ,e,*o i n ,po,e. Wfen
_. Piston the shock o bsorbe, i, ,omp,e,,ed, *herefo,e,
6. vuIve some oF tfe F_ u_id po,,e, out tf,oug h tfe vo_ve
7_ BoFFle rina (6) into the reservoi r. ond when the shock o b-
B. Co_er sorber i, extended, f_ uid i, ogoj , ,u,ked i nto tfe
__ UPper nttochMen1 cyli nder (2) on the underside of the piston. 7-5