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_ p _ _ _ _ _ P l 2O, P l 8OO GROUP 73 D E 5 _ _ _ P T _ O _ The VoIvo P l2O (Stotion Wogon) ond P l8OO ore The upper ends oF the reor springs on P l2O ond provided with coil springs ot both Front ond reor. P l8OO ore locoted by means oF a guide in the The Front wheel suspension is independent. body ond the lower ends by meons oF o guide Th d F th e _ t d on the reor o_le. On the P l 2O Stotion _ogon e Upper 0n G O e rOnt sprtngS Ore Seo e h i d F h j d b _,n houg__ngg Formed _,n the Front o_ie member ond t e oWer en s o t e reor springs ore ocote y th i d t d _ th i _ hb meonS oF o gUide on the supporf orm. In oddi_ e OWer en S ore GeO 0 In e OWer Wl5 OneS , h_ h. i , d d . h i h_ _ F_tt d b t th i t i b tion. t is ve ic e is provi e wit on oux_i iory W IC Ore l e e Ween e rOn OX e mem er bb . _ ond iower boii _io_,nt. ru er spring. _ E PA l _ _ _ 5 T _ U _ T l O _ 5 _ REP_A___G _HE FRO__ _PR__G_ 7. Lower the iock sjowly ond remove the spring R . when the wishbone hos come down suFFici- __OVl_9 ti F iF th j b ii _ _ t d t en y Or_ e OWer O iOln OeS nO l. Remove the hub cop ond loosen the wheel releose when the iock is lowered. use re- nuts o coupIe oF turns. moving tooI SVO 22_4. 2. Jock up the Front end ond ploce blocks un- _ _ 3 _ _ der the Front oxle member. 3. Remove the wheel nuts ond liFt oFF the wheel. 4. Remove the shock obsorber nuts ond wosh- ers ond take ofF the outer rubber bushes (3. fig. l ond l. fig. 2). Remove the boIt (4. F'ig. 2) For ffe ottochėng plote (3) ond pull this together with the sfock obsorber down- words. 5. Ploce a iock under the lower w_ishbone cent- _ rolly under the spring ond iock up until tfe rubber buFFer oF the upper wishbone lifts. _. Disconnect the stobij'izer rod From the lower wishbone. Remove the nut (l 2, Fig. l) For tfe lower boll ioint. _ fig. l . Front spring ond shock obsorber. ' I Steering knuckle 2 Upper rubber bu_fer 3 Rubber bu_h _ PIote 5 Upper wishbone _ Lower wi_hbone 7 Shock obsorber 8 Attoch_ng plo_e _. Spr_ing lO. Lower rubber buFFer ll Stobili_er j 6 _2 11 1D g g yoLvo l2 _ut For lower boll ioint _______. 7-l
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