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P _ 2O, P _ 8OO F A U LT T _ A C I _ _ _ F UL7 _ _ -_ A_o_ ' -E_EDy _ I _HE CAR WA_DER5 I ' fouIty coster. Check ond odiust the coster. EKcessive or insufFicient pIoy in the steering boK. Adiust 1he steering boK. Steering rod boll ioints worn or binding. EKomine the boll ioints ond reploce ony which ore wDrn. BoII ioints with greose nipples should be lubricoted. Foulty toe_in. Check ond odjust the toe_in. _ Wishbone system binding. Corry out thorough lubricotion. Reploce ony doMoged ports. _HE CAR PUllS _O El_HER _l_E _ inguff_____en_ o_ uneven _y_e p_eagu_e. Che_k _he _y_e p_eggu_e (gee po__ _). The Front springs ore fotigued or hove difFerent Remove ond check the springs (see Port 7). heights. One of the roller beorings is token up too tightly. Check 1he beorings. Reploce ony domoged beorings ond odiust Csee Port 7). Foulty trocking. Corry out check meosureMenta on the body ond odiust if necessory (see Port 8). 0rogging brokes. Adjust the brokes (aee Port 5). Bent steering rod. RepIoce the domoged rod. foulty coMber. Check ond odiust 1he comber. HARD OR 5_lFF 5_EERltJG Binding or doMoged bolI ioints. Reploce the boll ioints. Unsuitoble or insufFicient lubricon1 in the Check the oil. Concerning oil quolity. see _ steering boK. ''Specificotions''. Steering boK odiusted too tightly. Adiust the steering boK. Steering rod botl jDints or reloy orm beorings Lubrico1e the ioints ond remove the brocke1 for binding. the reloy orM ond eKomine the beorings. Reploce , _ ony other ports. EK_eaa_ve _og_e_. . C_e_k ond od_ug_ jhe _og_e_. '' JUZlhlt Wheels out-of_bolonce or worped. Bolonce 1he wheels ond correct them if necessory (see Port 7). One of the broke drums out-of_round. See Port 5. Insufficient oir Fressure in the tyres. Check th8 tyre pr$ssure (see Port 7). Domoged steering rod. Reploce the domoged rod_ Looae or worn front wheel beorings. Remove 1he wheels ond hubs. EKomine the beor- ing roces. If ony port is domoged, reploce the coMplete beoring (see Port 7). 6-25
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