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P _ 2 O, P l 8OO mm (O.Ol 2_O. O2 O'') i nside the outer foce with the help of drift SVO 2498. see Fig . 45. Check the fit of the shoft in the beorings or bushes respectively. 7he shoft should turn eosily but without ony ploy. On type l l l the bushes ore reomed with reo mer SVO 4l 53. 2 . Fill the beori ngs ond the spoce between them with chossis greose. Also Iubricote the vulcollon woshers on both sides. 3 . Fit the other ports os shown i n Figs. 24_26. The nu1 is tightened to o torque of 8.5 kg M (6O Ib.ft.). t. After osse Mbling there must be no ploy i n the beori ngs. When odiusted cDrrectly. o _ _ _ _ _ + _ k ( _ 3 + 4 3 _b _ , o_ j turni ng torque o - gcm - _ _ _V ' in.) is required. For e_omple, when pul li ng _ on the reloy orm ot the steering rod hoIe i ' (the inner hole) ot right_ong Ies. o spri ng_ i ,_. bolonce shou Id give o reod ing of O.7- l .3 _ _ kg ( _ ._4-2. g6 ib.). If th is result is not ob- _ _ i toi ned when checking, the beori ng Mount- !, ings m ust be token oport o nd odi usted with gh ims of su ito ble thickness. '__ When the correct torque hos been obtoined , the split pi n or ci rclip respective Iy is fifted. , '___ On lote production type l l l there is no circli p. VOtVO _ Fig 44 _e__oving need_e beo_i ng 13l50 _ _ ___ * _, _ _ _ __S O__iII_ ! fit the brocket in position ond tighten the ottoch- DiSmo Ittli_g i ng bolts well. Fi1 the s1eeri ng rod in the i nner l . Remove tfe split pin or ci rcli P respectively hole DF the reloy orm ond 1he tie rod in 1he outer ond the nut. On the lote production of type ho_e. _ighten the cos1le nuts to o torque of 3.2- Ill there is no circlip. Pull Dut the reloy orm 3._ kgm (23-2_ _ b.f_.) ond _ock them with split with shoft. 7oke core of the woshers ond p__ ff_. _ _ ,h ;m,. _ _ 2. 5ecure the brocket i n o vice o nd pull out the needle beori ngs with o beoring puller. for e_omple. SVO 4O9O. see fig . 44. The bushes ore removed with drift S_O _ 2498. _ AS6embli_g l . Press i n the new need le beorings or bushes respectively. In the cose of reloy orm mount- i ng type l ( Fig. 24). pressing i n is done flush with the outer side. On type tt ( Fig. 15), the need le beori ngs ore pressed in so thot the meogu_ement A is 3.2-3.5 mm (O. l 26- O l 38'') The oil seots ore fitted in these gops ' _ VOtVO with the lip turned outwords. On type l l l _73_6 (F_g . 26), the bugheg o_e p_egged i n o.3-o._ Fig. 45. Fitting the bush. _-24 _h __ = . . . ..- . .- _ - - _ __
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