Begin OCR Text: _
P _ 2O, P _ _OO
the pitmon Qrm shoft. If so. or if the pitmon orM
shoft ia domoged in ony other woy. it must be
_ominE _ e _he _o_ier Con_oCt gUrfoCes on the COm
ond the inner roces oF the boll beorings. If there
_ ore scrotches, scoring or noticeoble weor the com
with steering column must be reploced_ EKoMine
the outer rings ond bolls of the beorings. Any
' sCored or otherwise domoged beoring ports must
be reploced. The outer ring of the upper beoring
is removed with puller SVO 7 87 9 or. if the oil
aeQ_ is removed with drift 5VO 77O8, _
theck to see whether the pitmon orm shoft is
ae in . . _joo _ the bushes _f go the bU5he5 In the hOUs
_ ing must be reploced. when they ore removed
voLvo in either direction with puller SVO 787 9, see Fig.
JJ75B 34. The bush in the pitmon orM shoFt cover con_
Fig 33. Removing the odiUating 5CleW_ b d t_ t th _ t o e t
_ not e remove so o e coMp e e C v r mus
_ be reploced.
7 . Wogh the steering bo_ C_eon eKternolly ond
remove the clomp (f, Fig. 3O) from the steer_
ing column.
2. Remove the four bolts (7 . Fig. 27) for the
upper Cover (5). pu_l up the cover ond pit-
mon orm ghoft glightly ond droin off the oil_
_u__ out the Cover ond pitmQn orm shoft.
3. Remove the bolts ond lower cover (l7). Toke
Core oF the shims (2O).
_. Corefully knock the ste$ring column Cl O7 sD
thot the outer roCe of the lower beoring re-
_ _eoseg from the hoUsing. Toke oUt the Steer_
ing Column (7 O) With bolt ond beorin0_
5. 5_oCken the loCknut (3) ond aCreW the od-
iugting aCrew (2) out of the cover. The od_
. _ iugting sCrew Con be removed froM the pit_
mon orM shoft ofter the circlip hos been
token ofF, see Fig. 33.
C_eQn ol_ ports in white spirit or similor. EKomiffe
the oi_ aeo_s. _f these show the slightest signs of ,o,_o
r , . _jdomoge o wgor they mU5t bg reDlOCed RemDv- I_7__
ing ia done with the help Df puller SVO 4O3O Or Fig 34 Removing the pitmon orm shoft bush
_ _ _
with o gcrewdriver. Check the pitmon orm shoft.
The rol_er must not be scrotched. scored or nOtic$_ l SYO l8l9
b_ h f b _ . 2 pitmo_ orm _ho_i bu_h
o y worn on t e ContoCt SUr oCeS or e OOSe in 6__ _