Begin OCR Text: _ _ E E _ _ _ _ _ E A _
P _ ZO, P _ 8OO GROUP 64
D E S C R l P T l O N _
The design of the steering geor on P l 1O _s production (F_g 26) _n bushes The gteering cD _
illustroted _n F_gs 2l . 22. 24-26 ond on P l8OO lumn is div_ded into two ports (2 ond 6. Fig Z2) l
in Figs 2l, 23, 15 ond 26 which ore iointed wi1h o coupl1ng (3) 7he upper
The mo_ement of the steering wheel is tronsmit section of the steering column _s corried in beor
ted to the rood wheels v_o the steering column _ngs in the iocket tube 7he steer_ng rod boll
(2_ F1g 22). steer_ng box (8). p_tmon orM (l l), _o_nts ore plost_c lined wh_ch meons thot they do
t_e rDd (l 2). reIoy orM (l 5), steering rods (7 ond not reQuire lubr_coting
l7) ond steer_ng orms (5 ond l 8) The cor hos o furn_ng c_rcle of obout 9 5 metres _
The steering box (fig 2l) is of the ''com ond (31 Ft ) $
rolle_' type The nuMber of steer_ng wheel turns from IDck to
On eorly production, the reloy orm (F_gs Z4 ond Iock _s 3 l '4
25) _s mounted _n needle beor_ngs ond in lote
_ _ 3 _ _ _ p g _ _o _
F_g 2l 5teer_ng box
l BDlt
2 Ad_ust ng screw
3 LD_knut
4 Pitmun or_ shott bu___
f Cover
6 C_r_l_p
J tob wo_her
8 Steer_ng coluMn heor_ng
9 Steer_ng colu____ oil seol
IO 5teering colun_n
Il P_imo,_ ur., sho_i _u_h _
l2 P_tmon orm shofi seol _
l3 PtMon orM
l4 _u1
l5 5teer_ng bo_ body
l6 5tger_ng _olumn beor_ng
she__ lower _ _
l7 51p8r_ng _olu_n _over _
l8 S_Dtwcegr__ng cDIumn beoring (
l9 Woshg,
2O 5l_ Ms
2l P.o_1_n_eto,n o._ shofi w_1f
6_l 4