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_ _ _ P _ 2 O, P _ 8OO _ l Adiusti_g steeri_g Iimits Adjusti_g steeri_g limits (eorly production) (lote production) It should be possi ble to turn the wheels o ma_i- Turni ng is li mited by the stop gcrew on the pit_ mu m oF _O ' i n either direction. Turni ng is li M ited mon orm o nd reIQy orm, see Fig. p. by o stop screw on 1he pit Mon orm ond reloy Adi usti ng is done os FD__owg; _ orm, see fig. 8 . Adi ustment is corried out os _ _ h _ F h _ F _ F h d . Urn t e e t W ee or o e t_ on turn os fol lows. F h _ d or os it goes. C ec thot the isto nce be_ , l _ Set the front wheels to poi nt stro ight for_ tween the tyre ond t_e ,tob; __,zer ( Meo,u,e. i _ words o nd drive them up Dn to turntobles. Ment A. F;g. p) ;, _ o_ _ _ mm (__ ___- When doi ng 1his, the turnto bles should be _ p 3___). _ F not. g_oc_en the _o,_n ut For the set to O o nd locked. re_oy orm gtop ,,,ew. o Fte, wh;,h th ;, ;, 2. Releose the turnto ble locki ng devices ond turned unti l the correct volue is obtoined. _ turn the leFt wheel for o left_hond turn os Then lock the stop screw. _ For os i1 goes. Reod ofF the turni ng ongle _ _ h_ d . h h . h h _ _ ' _ epeOt t _s proce ure wit t e rig t w ee _ IF this deviotes fro M 38-4O slocken the d h h ' on t e stop screw on t e pitMon orm . l Dcknut For the eccentric heod stop screw on _ g Ch _ h h b _ h _ . . eC t Ot t e rQ g oSBS Ore c eor the pitMon orM Turn the wheeI to 4O U Ad- F _ _ h _ _ _ ' ' Ot U W gg oc . i ust the stop screw so thot it i ust contocts the pitmo n o rm ond tighten the locknut. _ 3. Repeof th is procedure with the right wheel ond stop screw on the reloy orm. GROU P 62 F _ O _ _ A X _ E l D E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ The P l 2 O ond P l 8 OO hove independent front ment is tronsmitfed th rough rubber bushes, see l wheel suspension . Th is meo ns thot there is no Figs. l l ond l 2 . Comber ond coster ore odi usted _ octuo l front o Kle. th is bei ng reploced by o ro_ by Meons oF sh ims on the upper wishbone shoft _ bust bo__section front o_le member. Thi s member o nd front o K le meMber o nd side member respect_ is bolted 1o the self_supporti ng body ond the ive Iy. front wheel suspension ond spri ngs ore fitted ot _h F t h _ . d . __ b b e rOn W ee S Ore COrrle l n tOper rO er eOr_ the ends oF the mem er. The construction is _ _h F t _ . F __ _ l ng S. e rOn 5 U Spen5lOn COnSl5t5 O COl Sprl n05 i Il Ustfoted i n Fig l O _d h_ h t _ _ h _ b b F_ d ' ' _ n Sl e W _ C e escopic s oc o sor ers ore itte . The s1eeri ng kn uckle is pivoted on the upper ond In order io increose on1i-rofli ng properties. the Iower wishbones by meons of bol l ioints. At the cor is equipped with o stQbi lizer which is ottoch _ inner ottoch ments of the wishbones the move_ ed to bo1h the lower wishbones ond to 1he body. 6-6
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America