Begin OCR Text: _
P _ 2O, P _ 8OO
ore slockened slightly. The number of shims is
increoged or reduced depending on the ongulor
error. After odiusting. 1he ottoching bolts ore
tightened to o 1orque of 4.8-5,5 kg M (35-4O
Ib.ft.) ond the comber checked.
5himg ore stocked in the following thicknesses_
o.l f. o.5. l . 3 ond 6 mm (O.OO6. O.Ol 1, O.O39,
O.O_ g ond O.236''). Tfe e__en_ _D wfich the shims
olter the ongle con be seen From the diogrom.
Fig. 7.
_.B. Adiusting shims of the some thickness muSt
be removed or Qdded to both 1he ottoching bolts
os otherwise the coster will be oltered. __ __ _ VOLVO
_ w_en __e correc_ comber hQg been ob_o__ned, _he , ' ' Z631f
ottoching bolts ore locked with the locking plote
(_. F_,g. 6). fig. 9. Adiusting the wheel lock.
l__ _ _
l __ _ _ _ _ __ __
CfIeE_iItg tIe _iItg pi_ iItEIiIto loIt
The king pin inclino1ion. which on these vehicles _hem. 1he turn1obles must be set 1o O ond
is represented by the inclinotion of the centre locked.
_ine oi _he bo_j ioin_g, ghou_d be a' Qt o comber h f _ h _ i ._ f . h
b d 2. Turn t e w ee s to t e e t unti t e rig t
of O' This connDt be odiusted but Lon e use h _ f d 2o,, . d Th _
_ w ee og turne inWor g. e 5CO e On
For checking ony deformotion on the s1ub o_le. h i b_ h _d h d _2 f+ _ __
t e _e t turnto e g ou t gn reo . - _
3. theck the position of the right wheel in the
__e_____g __e _oe.o__ some monner by 1urning the wheels to the
__ _ _ rigf_ unti_ the left wheel hos turned 2O'' in-
_ __oce _he frDnt wfeeIs of the cor on turn_ d h f h bj j h _d
' wor s, w en t e rig t turnto 0 SCo e 5 oU
tobles ond ensure thot the wheels point f d. . _ . d.
j d givB t e Some reo ing OS prevlOUS y In l_
stroight forwords Before the cor is p oce on d f _ i _ h h
_ cote on t e e t. ot t e meo5Urement5
shou_d thus lie within the obove-mentioned
tojeronce, otferwige it meons thot the steer_
_ 1 _ 3 d d
ing geor or front end is istorte .
4. There ore no odjusting possibilities but if
the toe-ou1 is incorrect. the steering orms
ond steering rod shDuld be checked. Any
_ domoged ports should be reploced.
Adiusti_g the toe_i_
The toe-in gfou_d be O-4 mM (O-5,'32''). In-
correct tDe-in is Qdiusted by slockening the cloMp_
ing screws or locknu1s respectively on the tie rodI
vzO,'_W6i ofter which the rod is turned in the required di-
F_,g. g. Ad_ugt_ng the gteer_ng j_mitg. rection. 7he distonce between the tyres ot the
front is reduced. thot is tD soy. toe-in is increosed.
l Reloy or_ b h d h j d. . i
y turnjng t e tie ro in t e normo ireCtion O
2. E,c_ntric screw f h _
3. _o,__ui rototion of t e w ee s. 6-5