Begin OCR Text: P _ 2O, P _ 8OO
f_ Che_k_ to be _orried o_t be_ore odi__ti_g
_,_-,I o__ BeFore ony odius1ing is corried out, __e Fo__ow_,g
_ points should be checked ond ony deFe,_g ,e.
_',,. \
' l . Check the oir pressure in oll the tyres. i_
. 2. Check thot the front wheel tyrea o,e eve,_y
worn_ If not. reploce theM with the reor _
. , wheels or the spore wheel. _
. - 3. Check thot the wheeIs ore not worped Mo,e
B_ _ f _ _ (o _.,) d f
7__'_ t On . mM . on t o_ _fe ,odio_
Fig_ 3_ _oe_ou1 ond toe_in _frow doeg no_ eK,eed _ _ _M (o _,.)
(Toe-in = B-A). ' ' '
4. Check the Front wheel beoringg o,d king
pin with bushes os well os sho,k obgorberg. _
_OE_lN 5. Check 1ho1 1he wishbones ore undoMoged
_fe d;FFe,e,,e _,, __e d_,,_o,,e, (A ond _, F_,g. 3) ond Firmly ottoched to the Front oKle MeM-
be_ween _fe wfee_g Meogu,ed o_ fub fe_,gf_ o_ ber. Check thot there ig no e_,eggive p_oy
_fe F,o,_ ond ,go, oF _fe _y,e, _,, know, o, _oe. in the wishbone bushes. _
in_ The purpose of toe-in is 1o red_ce tyre weor. 6. Check thot the springs ore undoMoged o,d
nre not fotigued.
_EA_u____ AND AD_u_____ J. Check the ,leoronce ond odiua_Me,_ oF _fe
wHEE_ A___N_EN_ steering boK. With the steering boK in _fe
,entrol position, the wheels ghDu_d poin1
Wheel oIignment is meosured with gpe,io_ Meo_ g1ro_,gf1 Forwo,dg.
suring instruments oF which there o,e Mony diF- g Cf k f d
F _ _ d f _ eC t e Ste0ring ro , steering orMs id_er
erent 1ypeS. O 0enBro e5Crlptlon Con t e,e- d '
F b . f f _d b O,M On t_e-rod.
Ore e g_ven oS to ow meosuring s ou e
,o,,ied ou1 e_,ept i, tfe ,oge oF 1oe.out. _fe 9. Ensure thot the ,ar hos norMo_ equipMent
Meoguring prin,ip_e i, tfot ,oMber ,g Meogu,ed (oil_ woter, pefrDl ond tools>. but is Dther_
dire,t_y with 1he whee_g poi,1jng gt,oigf1 Fo,- wise unlooded.
words. Coster ond king pin incIinotion ,onno1 be
meosured directly. Insteod. the ongulor oItero_
tion which occurs when the wheel ia tur,ed FroM
2O' outwords to 2O'' inwords ig Meosured on 1fe _
_nstruMent. _
Most types oF modern wheel olignment meosur-
ing instruments require thot the wheels ore lock_
ed with, for e_omple. the felp oF o pedoI io,k. _
This is not suFficient o, ,o,g witf Duo-ge,vo
brokes. since the broke ghoe, in tfig gyg1eM fove
o certoin omount of recip,o,o1i,g t,ove_. O, gu,f
cors. therefore, thg broke druM mugt be Io,ked
mechonicolly to the broke bocking p_ote when
meosuring. _fis con be done by oppiying weld-
ing pliers between the druM ond broke bo,kiffg
pIote on eoch front wheel (see Fig. 4), when jt
_5 nof neCeSSory to USe o pedol io,k.
When meosuring wheeI o_ignmgnt, FoIIow _fe
inatruEt_iona opp_y_,ng For _fe mgoaur_,ng t_natru VUl_U
_ 2YID_
Menta ,on,erned. Fig. _. _o,k_,g 1fe b,oke d,,M.