Begin OCR Text:
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P 1 2O. P 1 8OO 7 O O L S
The lollowing special tools are required Ior repa'irs to the brake system.
_ - ./ __
Svo--1 7g1 SV O 1 7 9_ SVO 1 798 SVO 1 8 O1
. _
S VO 219 7 S Vo 23 81 Svo 2__8 SVO _o7_
Fig. 5l. Special tools. ''_''''''' .
SVO 1 791 Puller tor hub (with sleeve SVO 2S81 '
lor rear wheels). _ i
SVO 1 794 Puller for inner ring, front wheel. ' _
SVO 1 798 Dritt for Eitting oil seaI in hub. 'i,
SVO 1 gO1 Standard handle t8 X 2OO. ,
SVO 21 97 Driff lor litting and removing grease _
cap. _. '
SVO 2381 Air-venting key. _-
SVO 2S48 Adjusting key tor rear wheel brakes.
SV_ 4O74 Spring clips Eor wfeel unit cylinder.
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