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_ _ P 1 2O. P 1 8OO Bra_e drag __ o_e oI the rea_ _heel_ Brakes incorrectly adjusted Adjust the brakes. Broken return spring. Replace the return spring. Handbrake cable chating. Lubricate or replace tI_e handbrake cable. Brake line to the w_heel blocked or damaged. Clean or replace the Iine. Brake drag o_ __e ol the lro_t _heel_ Brake l_ine to the wheel blocked or dam8ged. _ Clean or repl8ce tfe line. Plungers binding. Recondition the wheel unif cylinders. ' _ Brake _queal Brake linings worn out. _ RepIace the linings. _ Dirf in fhe drums. Clean t_he drums and linings. Vibrating brake drums. Fit damping springs on the outs_ide oI the drums. _ Bra_e d_ag o_ all _heel_ Equalizing hole in master cytinder blocked. Recondition the master cylinder. During e_fremely cold weather. poor qualify brake Iluid. Change the brake tluid. Binding plunger _in servo cylinder. Recondifion the servo cylinder. _ f-2f
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