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P 1 2O. P 1 8OO lH5__LLlH_ Bolt fhe servo brake cylinder to the bracket_ Il the bracket h__s been removed, lit if in position_ Con- nect fhe ingoing hydraulic line. Check thaf there is sutlicient brake *luid in the master cyl inder and depress the brake pedal very slowly. When brake tluid just begins to run ouf ol the servo brake cylin- der. stop depressing fhe pedal brake_ Connect the outgoing hydrauIic l_ine and vacuum line. A_ir-vent tf.e who1e brake system. see under ''Air-venting the hydraulic system''. _g?,V,C7, Type 1 Type 2 _ Fig. 45. Conn8cting parts. _aEuu_ _aIl The p _ goo js equipped with a vacuum tBnk as _ standard up to cfassis number 6999_ This is placed _ _ _h d d b k i, . emOVe e amage ra e Ine_ beiween tfe ieft tront mudguard and wheel arch T k _ b k i. * ih i 2. a e a Comp ete neW ra e Ine O e COrreC and is accessible atter the splash plate has been re- b_ .t _ . i _i _ih _ i _ b type. OW t C ean In efna y Wi mOiS ur_ moved. The early production P 1 2O can a so e * *._i d d _ d i_i _i _ k _ h h ree, l ere COmpre5se a_r an i i _ a e _ equipped wiih a vacuum fank, in w ic case it is _h i ih b k __ __ _ h _i_ d sure a e ra e Ine,e5 in 5UC a pO5l lOn placed under tfe left lront mudg Lar _ ih,i _,i ,__,,oi ,h,*e wh_,ie d,_,,_,,g. pa,i_,,,_,,_y important points are where the pipes pass the rear spring attachments on the rear a_le. where _ _ they musf not come nearer fhan 1 O mm C3(8''t. __a e _IleI and wf.ere ihey pass ihe suppori arms. i* ihe Tfe b,ake _ines should be llushed through in con- pipe js ,of be,t ,orrectly, it shouId be ad- junction with complete reconditioning of fhe hyd- justed by hand betore being titted. Bending a raulic system. pipe which is already connected otten results Betore tlushing through. a_ir should be removed in de*ormation at the connecfions. lrom the system fhrough the a'ir-venting nipples_ 3. Air_vent the hydraulic system. Tfe ij,es a,e i?e, dis,onne,ied at fhe wheel unit ' cylinL'ers one by o_.e and flushed with brake lluid ' or sp;rit. Flushing should preferably be done by ___.ve__g_g __e _yd_au__E _y__e_ filling the master cyl inder and carrying out repeated h h _ h h d _ A_t ii h. A sígn that tfere is air in the system is t at t e _' braking movement5 Wit t e pe a . er US Ing h . ii i h id b bi i .ih brake pedal can be depressed without any appreci- W_f Spirit, 8 ine5 s OU e OWn C e8n Wl bi . i _* _i * i h a e re5lS an Ce, Or l l ee 5 spOngy_ mo_sfure-free Jiltered compressed air since t e wh i * ih i h b d ' ' d en any par O e 5y5 em 8S een remOve . sp__rit can give rise to gas bubb1es in fhe system an i. b , d i A_ i i ' aj,-Vg, jng mUsi e ,affle OU . Ir tan a GO en ef cause spongy pedal action. tn tfe event ot leakage, ih i .* ih . i ii i,i * b k _ e sy5 em I ere Is OO sma a qUan l y O r8 e or when the l'ines have been subjecfed to any out- *i .d . ih i . i* * i i _ _ Ui l, g ,o, a_,gr, , Or B_amp e, On y One i si_e damage so that leakage can be suspecfed. the h i .t i. d h b d .i . ii d H _ W ee Unt Cy In er a5 een FemOVe . l II U5Ua y damaged lines should be replace . ote t 8t i*. . i i . i ih. i ii ih ih h d 5U IClen O alr_Ven Is On y, , On e O ef an , the_e 8_e t_o dIHe_e_t type_ o_ __8_e_ Il_e_ __d h i. d i. * ih. h b f e ma5ter Cy In er Of Ine5 rOm I5 aVe een _ Eo__eEtlo_s. see FIg. d_. Type 1 is tactory-Jitted on d th h i b k i i b . go h b qqq Ai ih. .i i remOVe , e W O e ra e 5y5 em mU5 e alr_ P 1 O up to c a5s_5 num er 6 . fef l5 l On y h * h i b k i. o vented. When air-venting or other similar work i5 ' o,,u,s o, f e ro,f w eg fa e COnneC lOn5. n k i b d i th i i h i being carried out, no bra e t uid must e permifte P 1 2O 5er_eS type 1 oCCUr5 on y on e fOn W ee h * * i. . b k i. oih . ih _ d fo get onlo t e riCtion 5Uf aCeS Or injngS_ ra e connec ions. erwise e car5 are eqUlpp0 d h h i . t h Air-venting the whole brake system is one as wif fype 2. T eIe tWo types are On y In e_C ange- i ii bi .i ii ih b k i_ _ih b h _ o oW5 _ a e i a e ,a e j,es w, ranC UnlOn5 are _ ,epia,ed at the samg iime. 1 . Clean round tfe tilling plug on the ma5ter _
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