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j P 1 2 O . P 1 8OO F_u L_ 7R__lH_ __H E_E FoR 7HE 5ER_O _R__ E _YLIH DER _e_tt_g o_ _e_ Eh '_esf _ _ _ opera- fault Cause Acti on tion i ieakage gre8ter th8n core_ piunger ro_ or control Eii smaniie the servo cy i inder O.O5 kg/cml (O.l Ib/sq. in.) cy linder or delective sea l Ior and replace the delective same. pa rts. i ijutgoj g _y_ra ul ic pressure iea_i ng acu um va i ve. iepiace i_e vaive_ too low. l ntgt pressure i n creases, out_ Leak i ng pressure pl unger. Replace the press ure p lunger_ IeI pressure decreases. l nspect fhe cy l inder and p l unger rod. Outgoing pressure is the same Bi nd i i_g vacuum p lunger due to Remove, a l ign or repla ce the as ingoing pressure. delormed or incorrectly cen t- vacuum cyl i nder. _ red vacuum cy l inder. _ Outgo ing pressure does not a) See above See above_ return to zero. b) the vacuum p Iu nger retu rn Rep lace the spring. , spri ng too weak . _ iju tgoi n pressure ia rger i_an _ i r iea_ ge ai va ive cover, con- iig _ien _e 6oiis or repiace i ngo'i ng pressure. necting pipe or cyl i nder end_ the gasket_ _ l ngoi ng pressure larger tha n Bi nd i ng pressure p Iu nger ai_d Recond ition the servo cyl ì n- outgoi ng pressu re. vacu um plunger_ der_ _ See po ni i. See poi t 3. See poi nf 3, b i _cess i e vacu um iea_age. Lea_age a I vaive cover. con- ii g_ien i_e 6oiis or replace necting p_ipe or cy li nder end . the gaskets. 7 _y_rau ic pressure iai is. ioniroi i u nger sea i s iea_ i ng_ fiepiace he seais, c_ec_ the cyl i nder. _e_tl_g whe_ l__talled l_ vehlEle _ _. _-1 9
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