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P 1 2O. P 1 8OO Close the shut-ott vaIve (3t and open the inlet valve (1 3>. Check through the sighf gIass <6) that there is sulEicient brake tluid lor air- venting. Operate the pump C1 5) unfil brake tluid begins to run out at the confrol cylinder, 3. Connect the line <1 O) to the control cylinder and the vacuum line (7) to the vacuum connec- fion, see the ligure. Open fhe valve C1 1 > so Ihat the gauge (1 ) sfows O.75 kg/cm' (1 O,7 Ib/sq.in.). Check that the sfut-ofi valve (3) is closed and tfat tfe valves <1 3 and 1 4) are open. Pump up tfe ingoing hydraulic pressure ,?__,)_ untiI fhe gauge (4) shows 3s kg/cm1 (498 F._g 44 Te5t._ng opgrat._on _ Ib/sq.in.>. The outgoing hydraulic pressure ' ' ' (Gauge 5) 5hou_d fhen be af _ea5f 6J kg/,m1 (qso ib/5q.._n.). The, ope, the shut-oii vaive TesIl_g _he_ l_stalled i_ vehi_le c3i. when the gauges <4 and s) shouid imme- 1 . Th_s testlng operat_on must onIy be carried _ diately return to zero. Repeat this test opera- out on a servo brake cylinder Jrom which all tion a few times. fhe brake tluid has been emptied, Place the d i i servo brake cyIinder in position on its bracket_ 4. Remove the 58rVo bfake Cylin ef alr l ter _ d i h k h _ S P_ug the hydraulIC OUt et an it a O5e COn- _ and pluQ the air inta e O e. et In a VaCUUm h h d i _ ) ( ) C_ neCtion in the hydraUIIC jnlef. T e y raU IC ot O.l5 kg/CmZ (1 O.7 lb(sq.in. . GaUge 1 . Ose h d < d > ,onne,t_on5 have a 3/8 X 24 uNF t fea . the ualve (3) and open the ualves 1 3 an 1 4 _ h h d _ ConneCt the VaCUUm line tO f e y raU IC Pump up the ingoing hydrauliC pr8ssure fo a ( ) h _nIet and remoUe the alf tllfer. Sfarf the engIne value e_ceed_ng 3.5 kg/cm1 5O lb/5q.in. . T 0 d h h h _ h _d h and Iet it rUn af _dlIng 5pee . Wlt f e e p ingo_ing and oUtgolng preIIUre5 G OU t en h h h ( d ) _ h oE a iingef, CheCk to 5ee W e+ er t 8re Is any be equal GaUgeS 4 an 5 . A t8r t e te5t, Open d h ) h d air tIow through the filter COnneCtIOn an f 8 the shut-olt valve (3 , femoVe t e plUg an i h i _ ordinary vacuum ConneCtlOn, 5ee Fjg. 44_ fe _t t e alr l t0r. 2. Connect all the parts and lines in their correct 5. Check that the gauge (1 > shows O.l5 kg/cm' d h S h ( ) plaCeS an aif-Uent t e 5y5tem. tarf t e en- (1 O.7 Ib(sq.in.) vacuum. Close fhe valve 3 h h b k _. d .t h _d ( ) gIne. W en t e ra e5 afe app le , l s OU and check that the valves 1 3 and 14 are open. b h h _ i h k be ßo55l Ie to eaF a W _tt _ng nOl5e rOm t e Pump up the ingoing pressure to 2,f g(cm' i_ . . d t i i th t i air OWlng In, an O ee e mOVemen O (35.6 lb(sq.in.) (Gauge4). The oufgoing pre55u- d h h d lhe VaCUUm Cylin eF W_th t e an . re. 3. Shut ol the engine aEter it has run for at leasf ( _b) ) hali a minufe aEter brake application. Waif for 6. Set in a VaCUUm oi O.75 kg/Cm1 1 O.7 sq_in, b k i two minUtes. Then apply the ra eS agaln, on the gauge (1 ). Then CIo5e the VaCUUm va Ue ( ) d h when fhe servo Cylindef shOUld lUnCtlOn as 1 1 . After a perlod ot 1 mlnUte 4O SeCOn 5 f e h _d d h h i described _n pojnt 2. _ Va,UUm 5 oU not eCrea5e moFe t an 5O t a the gauge (1 > shows O.4 kg(cm1 <5.7 Ib/sq.in.). 4. Start the engine and leI it run at idling speed. Alter the test. disconnect the vacuum line (7) Apply the brakes hard tor 1 5-2O seconds_ trom tfe servo brake cylinde_. During th'is fime the pedal must not sink . J. C_o5e the 5hut.oii va_,e (3) a,d ,he,k th,t the noticeably_ vaIves (1 3 and 1 4) are open. Pump up the f. lack up the ironf end so that the wheel5 are hydraulic pressure to 77 kg/cm1 (1 1 OO lb/sq.in.) clear. With fhe engine running, apply and (Gauges 4 and 5). AEfer 1 minufe tfe pressure release fhe brakes while check'ing wheth8r fhe should not have decreased noticeably. Then wheel can rotate or not. The wheeIs should be open the shut-otl valve (3) and close the lree falf a second atter the pedal has been re- valves (13 and 1 4). Disconnect the connections leased. lt the brakes bind, remove the vacuum and lift otf tfe servo brake cylinder. connection and repeat fhe test. 5-1 8
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