Begin OCR Text:
P 1 2O. P 1 8OD
5. Check that the vacuum cylinder (24) is still
clean internally. Place fhe return spring (1 6>
in position.
Fit tfe vacuum plunger (1 7) complefe with
new rubber ring C1 4) and carelully insert the
plunger rod (t 5) into the bush. Press down
fhe plunger to full stroke Jength a lew fimes
to check that the plunger and plunger rod
do not bind. The return spring sfould press
back fhe plunger immediafely when it is
released. Fit on a new gasket (2O) and bolt on
fhe cover <1 9) and plate (l1 ). A suitable
fightening torque for the bolfs is O.3-O.4 kgm
C2-3 Ib.ft.>.
6. Fit a gasket and aìr lilter element and plac' e
on the cover and clamp. In the case ol a late
_ productj_on a_,r f_i_ter iF_,g. 3o), ffe bo1t _is
' tightened fo a torque of O.34.4 kgm (l-3
lb.lt.>. ,o,,,
After assembly. the servo brake cylinder musI '''' 'h
_ be tested. Fig_ 42. Connections for testing_
1 . Ciauge lor constanf 8. Conneclion Ior contrDl
_E___H_ v8cuum vacuum
l. G_uge Jor control 9. Connection tor hydrau-
For complete testing, a fest bench is required to_ vgcuum _,c _,_et
gether with a confrol cylinder ol a type as shown in 3. Hydraulic sfu I-oJl 1 O. Connection Ior hydr8u-
Figs. 42 and 43. Tfe purpose ot tfe contro_ cy1inder Valve liC oUtlet
_ t b_ t k t b bt . d d. 4. GaUge lor hydraUl_iC 1 1 . VaCuUm vaIVe
Is O ena e a S rO e O e O alne COrrespOn Ing h _
t tf t f. f _d f f _ d intet pre5tUre 1 2. SWjlC Or v8CUUM pUmp
O a W iC WoU oCCur wit t e serVo Cy in gr _. Ga,ge to, _yd,,u__,, _ 3. Hyd,g,_,_c _,,_et vg_ve
installed in tfe vehicle. out_et pre__u,e _ 4. Hydrautic out_et v6_ve
Il no testing equipmenf is available, a certain amount 6_ 5ighl g Iass 1 5_ Hydraulic pump
ot fau1t d_,agnos_is can be carr_,ed out .by test_ing 7. Connection tor 1 6_ Confrol cylinder
tf __ d f . t 11 d _ tf f. _ COn5tanf vaCUUM
e 5erVO Cy In er W en inS a e in e ve ic e.
Il testing revea Is any faulfs, fhese sfould be re-
medied Bs shown in the fault tracing scheme.
_ _e_tl_g o_ test _e__h
Testing shouId prelerably be carried out as lollows .
1 _ Connect the vacuum line (7, Fig. 42) to the
_ servo brake cy Iinder hydraul ic inlet. When
. doing this. brake tluid sfou1_d natural1y be
emptied lrom the cylinder. The fydraulic
connections have a 3/8'' X Z4 U_F thread. Plug
_ the hydraulic outlet. Sfart the vacuum pump
and open the vacuum valve (1 1 ).
_ When a vacuum oI O.75 kg/cm' (1 O.7 Ib/sq.in.)
has been reached CGauge 1 >, close the valve _u,,v,.,o.
C1 1 ), The servo brake cy Iinder should mainta_in 3 C _ _ d _ _
F_g. 4 . ontro Cy In er.
a vacuum ol at least O.7 kg/cm' <1 O 1b/sq.in.>
lor five seconds. Then disconnect the vacuum 1 . Connection tor tesl _. Return spri,g
line and open ffe fydrau1jc outlet. bench 6. Cylinder body
2. Connect tfe se,vo cy__inder fydrau___c _in_et 2_ Connection lor servo 7. Washer
f 1 g) d f d _ brake cylinder 8. Circlip
jO t e jne an ItS y ra U It oUtlet to the 3 p_u,ge, q p,otect._,g cover
control cylinder <1 6). 4.' _,at ' 5-1 7