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yo___v_o p 1 2O. P 1 8OO 1 2 3 _ 5 6 7 8 9 1 O Fig. 35. Removing the circlip_ '''''_ IE _ 21 2O 19 1B 17 16 15 1_ 13 12 11 ' _. Remove the guide sleeve (lO). seal C19) and _ _ (1g) _ _h _ su,e ___ spacing s eeVe . . omp,es5 e p e5 cylinder return spring with the help ol a clamp _ manulacIured as shown in Fig. 34 and litted 37 x d _. _ Fig. . y rau ic par s_ as shown in Fig. 35. ,3 _ _ j _ w h Then remove the c_irclip (17) caretuIIy with the _ 1_ P '9 ' ''_ '' _ _ i k ii h _ d 2. 5ealing ring 13. 5ea help ol circ ip p iers, a e o t e c amp an 3 _ __ _ j 4 pj j . oc ing was er . unger sea remove the other partS_ 4. washe, 15. Pressure plunger 5. 5p,ing 16. Washer 6. Wa,her 17. Circlip 7. Plunger seal 1$. 5pacing sleeve _H_pE___H_ $. V6lve arm 19. 5eal h 9. Control pIunger 2O. 5leeve Beiore inspecting, all parts should be thoroug ly 1o. p_unger sea_ _1. Plunger rod cleaned. Rubber parfs and parts which come into 1 1_ 5pring contact with the brake tluid must only be cleaned in spir'it which does not contain benzol_ It is ther_ lore advisable to cle3n all parts in methylated spirit_ Place fhe cleaned parts on a clean cloth and observe _ _ __ _ i d Ih , damage A__nspeC a pa, 5 o, Wear an O e _ _ the utmosf cleanliness when continuing the work_ se,_s and any damaged o, worn pa,is shou_d be replaced. Il the plunger rod or leather seal is da_ __ maged. replace the vacuum plunger complete, _ _ _ ____ _ _ Jt ____ __ __ __ __ V_VI_ ___ ___ v__ v v __' __5EM_LIHG _ ' 1 . Take a new plunger (15. Fig. 37) witf inner _ __ __ i_.g__.___ , seal (13). litfed. Fit the plunger seal C14) and _ __ _ __ _ I _I h _ _h i_g p_ace ihe sp,_ng _ _ ufn i as s own in e I Ufe. _ _ , (t 1) on tfe ptunger. Dip the plunger in brake , _ . . lIUid and insert the 5pring into the Cylinde,. l_ l5 l6 l7 IB l9 2O vuLvo F. 3g F_i Ih h (16) d i __ ______s see ig. . i e was er an care u y _ d I press in the plunger wifh fhe help oi the Fig. 36. Pressure cy in er par s. i __ h . F. clamp. Fit the circlip care u y as s own in ig_ 1 1 Spring 17_ Circlip 35 _h _ Ih I _I _ i _y _n _is g o ve ' _ . eC a I oCa e5 pfOpef l l , O _ 14. Plunger seal 18_ Spacing ' eeve p_ h _ (1q) ih . _ (1g) _ jg 5 _ ace f e sea on e spacing s eeve 15_ Pres'Ure P Un9er _ ea d i h. p_ h _ (zoj . .I. j6. w,,he, _o. p_unger ,jeeve an it t is_ ace t e 5 eeve in Po5i iOn_ ' 5-1 5
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