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p _ 2O. P t 8OO _. 3ack up +he rear e,d a,d place blocks under DISM_H7_IH_ the rear a_le. Release the handbrake_ _. _,rew oii +he ,ap (2, Fig. l and 2l) and empty 2. Ro+gte +he wheel while applying the brake5 o,t +he brake iiuid. by turning the adjusting screw clockwise wifh 2. puii back +he rubber cover (6) and remove tfe the he_p oi spanner SVO l548. see Fig_ 26 ,_irc(__p (l), washer (g) and thrust rod (5). Shake When the wheel can only jusf be turned round out aii +he parts irom +he cylinder, see Fig. 27. with one hand, stop turning the screw_ Then ease oii iour ''notches'' and check that the brake drum can rotate ireely with the ad- _HSpE___Hç justing screw in the locked position_ (i i th t i. d h h _ . h _efore inspecting. a parts o e mas 8r CY in er 3. Adjusf tfe ot er rear w ee in t e same Way_ jd b h d . th ( t d . .+ _ h shou e was e in me y a e spiri _ oWer t e Caf_ h (. d i (i _ t j( Th e_amine t e cy in er care u y in erna y_ ere must be ,o scoring, scratches or rust on Ife polished suriace. Such damage can as a rule be eliminaf8d by ho,ing +fe cylinder. The procedure ior doing this varies with d_iiierent makes oi tool so that no _ _ d . +_ b _ Th i re ioiiow genera e5crip ion can e giVen_ efe O +he ma,ulgcturer's instructions. Clean the cylinder careiully aiter hon'ing and check that tfe holes are clear. __he clearance befween fhe plunger and cylinder _ must not e_ceed O.2O mm (O_OO8''?, If the clearanCe e_ceeds this value. test wi+h a new plunger_ li this does not help. the master cylinder must be replaced. Replace both the plunger seals. Any ofher parts 'i_'__'_'_j'i which are damaged or wori_ should be replaced_ Fig. l6. Adjusting the wheel brake unit. _SSEMa_lHG MaIte_ _yliItde_ 1 . Fit the washer C15. Fig_ 27) in the bottom ol observe the u+mosI ,are when working on the the cyl_indel_ hydrau(ic system Wash the hands with soap and , 6 ' _ i _ 1i wa+er beiore cleaning the internal parts_ The5e should be cleg,ed with methylated spirit_ Petrol (gasoline). , paraliin Ckerosene), trichlorethyle,e OF _ a,y o+her spirit containing bensol must not be used_ __ on_y ijjl wi+h a iirst-class brake tluid which lulfiI5 +he requireme,ts oi SAE 7O R 3. Fluids which only l iu(iii the requirements ol SAE 7O R t , or wfat is 4 know, as HD quality. must not be used. Avoid spi_ii,g brake iluid on the paintwork as this ca, cause damage, 1i 1i _3 l_ tt lO _ _EMO_lHG voLvo b k 74734 _ . Remove the split pin and bolt ior the ra e d i u h k th + _ R ve +he Fig. 27. MaSter cylinder_ pe a . n oo e re Ufn 5prlng_ emO rubber cover. z. filler cap 1 1, Washer 2 Remo,e +he two o-+t,,h_,,g boi+s ior +he mas+gr 5. Thrust rod 12_ 5eal ' i d D. + th b k (, t_ 6. _ubber co_er 13. Spring cy in er. iscon,e, e fa e Ine COnneC lOn v _ h _. d i ii _. _jr__ip 14. a _e a,d take ouf t e masIer cy in er care u Y_ $ w h __ w h . a, er . as er Avoid spiIling brake fluid on tfe painfwork a5 q. Sea( _6. CyIinder body this can cause damage. 1 O_ Plu,ger __1 2
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