Begin OCR Text:
P 1 2O. P 1 8OO
_ _ 6 _ g 3. Place ffe handbrake Iink in position, ensuring
thaf it is turned correctly. Hook on the lower
return spring and lit fhe lronf brake shoe
with brake spri ng pliers. Remove tool SVO
4O74. Fit tfe spring clip (5. Fig. 25).
4. Check that the springs and locking washers
are properly in position and that the linings
are lree lrom burr, grease and dirt.
2 5. Check that the key lits properly in the drive
shaIt and Iit the hub wi Ih brake drum. Place
_ on the washer and tighten the castle nut. Il
the wheel unif cylinder has been removed.
Ihis should be ajr-vented, see under ''Air_
venting tl_e hydraulic system''. Lilt on the
wheel alter having cleaned fhe contacf sur-
_ laces between the wheel and hub lree Irom
dirt. and Iighten up the nuts sulliciently so
12 11 1O 9 v___o that the wheei cannof be displaced on tfe
1__3l fub. Adjust 1fe brakes, see under ''Adjusting
Fig. 25. Rear wheel brake unit. h d
the wheel brake units''. Lower t e car an
_ 1 . FronI brake shoe 7. Upper return spring i_,ghte, +he wheei nut,. T_,gh+en every other nui
l. Locking washer 8. Rear brake shoe _.tt_ t +. t.i ii +. hi d t
a l e a a Ime Un l a afe Ig ene O a
3. Gu_de pln 9. Lever ( _ oo ib _ ) T h
4. i_,,k _ o. R,t,,, ,p,_,ng _o, _,ve, torque oI 1 _1 4 kgm 7_ , t, _ ig ten
_. _p,ing _ljp _ _ . Adjusting device the castle nul well and lock it with a split p_in_
6. Wheel unit cylinder _ l. Lower return spring Fit +fe hub cap.
N. B. Fouling ol the servo cylinder air Iilter. as well
(O.O1 O''), fesf w_th a new plunger. ll thj5 doe5 not
b i d as brake lining wear. depends fo a large e_tent on
help, fhe Wheel unit Cyl_nder musf e fep aCe .
d d the num_ber ol brakings carried out. As a rule, there-
AS5emble the pa Ft5 jn the revef5e Or er tO l5- d b t i i
h d lore. it is a visa le to change 1he air i ter e ement
mdnfling. When doing th i S, d_p t e plUnger5 an
b k h t h in connection with replacing the rear wheel brake
5ealS in ra e Il Uld. T e lOCatlon O t e ßaff5 l5 linings.
. shown in Fig. 5.
_ Tfe Iriction surtace and radial throw ol the brake _dju__i_g __e __ee_ b_ake u_i__
drums should be checked_ The radial throw must Th t + h i d_ b k d _ d th +
e ron w ee _sc ra es are e5lgne sO a
not e_ceed O.1 5 mm (O.OO6''). Il fhe friction surtace th d t _ i t + _ _ _
b e pa aCIng5 are a Way5 a a Cer aln mlnlmUm
iS concave, scored or craCked, tfe rake drum d. + t th b k d_ di t
iS anCe fOm e ra e I SC, Fegar e5S O Wear.
should be replaced. Minor rust spots can. however. Th t + h i b k th t it d_ t_
e ron W ee ra eI are ere Ore 5e -a) U5 Ing
_ be polished olf or ground away in a machine_ d i d_ t + t th _+_ t th
an no man Ua a) U5 men o e pO5l l On O e
brake pads needs fo be carried ouf.
When the brake pedal can be depressed too lar
_SSEM__I_G d + d th t_ b d th_ ii
own oWal 5 e oof oaf S, Is U5Ua y mean5
1 . Screw back the adjusfing screw and lit the that fhe rear wheeI brake linings are worn and thaf
adjusting plungers aIter having cleaned them the brake shoes require adj usting. However, one
and coated them lightly with heat-resistant reason can be e_cessive throw on the brake disc.
grease. Check that the plungers move easily. Il it is suspected that the linings are worn, the brake
2. Fit fhe lever on the rear brake shoe. Hook di um should be removed lor checking this. The ad-
on the handbrake cable and return springs. justing device permits adjustment even il the lin-
Place the shoe in position and lit the guide pin ings are worn down to the rivets. and such wear can
and locking clip. Make sure that the head ot lead fo the rivets damaging the brake drums. The
the guide pin enfers the countersink of the linings should be inspected regularly every 1 O,OOO
clip. km <6OOO miles). Adjusfi ng is done as Iollows .
5-1 1