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P 1 2O. P 1 8OO Before installing, check thaI the contact surfaces of the caliper and retainer are cIean and undamaged since it is ol vital importance fhat the caliper takes up the correct position in relation to the brake disc. Fit the caliper as shown in Fig. 16. Place on the Iocking plate <4) and tighfen the attaching boIts C3 and 5> and lock fhem. Connect ffe brake line C6) and air-vent the wheel unit cylinders. On early productěon models the brake line arrangement is slightly different. Check that the brake disc can rof8te between fhe brake p8ds. Fit the wheel, see operation 6 under ''Replacing fhe brake pads''. VO_VO 2l932 Fig. l1 . Removing the fub. _ If the brake disc cannot be reconditioned as descri- bed above, or if it is cracked or damaged. it should be replaced togefher with fhe hub. Regarding the _ procedure lor this. see under ''Replacing or Bdjus- ting fhe front wheel bec_rings'', Part 6. When replacing the wheel studs. the old stud is pressed out. alfer which an oversize stud is titted. The latfer has a diameter of 16.3 mm <41(64''). The hole in the hub should fherelore be 16.1_16.3O , mm (O.6374.64l'') Cpress fit) and in the brake disc 16.5-16.7 mm CO.65_O.6S8'') Cclearance lit). Rear _heeI _ra_e u_ilI ''O''_''' Dl_M__7LlH_ Fig. lO. Checking the run-out. h d 1. Remove the hUb Cap and 5pllt pln ln t e fIVe shalt. Slacken the castle nut and wheel nuts slightly. Jack up the car and place b1ocks Bra_e djI_I unde_ the rear aKle. Remove the wheeI. _ b k d h _d b d d h The ra e l5C s DU e eKamlne aS regar G t e friction surtace. run-out and thickness. There must be no rust or scoring on tfe lriction surlace. The run-out must not eKceed O.1 mm (O.OO4'') and is _ measured as shown in Fig, lO, Cfeck firsf that the wheet bearings are correctly adjusted and that the h d_ __t _ th h b Th th_ k h _d iSC i s seCUfe y on e U . e IC neS5 S OU '' not vary more than O.O3 mm (O.OO1 2'') when the disc is rotated one turn, since this can cause a vibrating brake pedal. The brake disc can be reconditioned by precision turn'ing or grinding. Machining should be done together wíth the hub. The fhickness of the disc atter machining must not be less fhan 1 2.2 mm
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