Begin OCR Text:
P 1 2O. P 1 8OO
1. Re_ove the wheel, see operations 1-2 under
''Replacing the brake pads''_
2. Clean the caliper e_tern8lly_
3. Disconnecf tfe brake line C6, Fig, 16> and plug _
the connection. Make sure that no brake tluid
runs on fo fhe brake disc or brake pads_ Bend
back the locking plate (4) and screw out the
aftacfing bolts (3 and f). LiIt olt the brake
unit complete as shown in Fig_ 17_ Fig. 18. Removing fhe plungers,
_. _iece of wood _
1 . Coat fhe working surlaces ol the plungers and _
cyiinders with brake tluid.
2. Fit new oil seals (3. Fig. 2) in the cylind8rs_
Place tfe rubber covers <8> in position and
_'___O make sure that they enter fhe cyl'inder g_ooVe5_
, b 3. Fit the plungers wilh the closed end iirst_ Press
Fig 17 Removing Ihe lronf wheel rake unit, i i d f f bb
' ' the plungers in u Iy an see f at f e rU er
covers enter the plunger grooves, see Fig_ 19_
Dlsmalltll_g 4 pi ff b k d _ _f F_f tf _d
. ace e ra e pa s In pO5l lOn. l e gUl e
1 . Remove the hairpin-shaped locking cl_ips <1 , pins and the locking clips.
Fig. 2) and guide pins C1)_ Pull ouf the brake tt damping springs arg to be titted. tfese are
_ pads C9), placed as shown in Fig. 1f.
2 Place a piece ol wood between the plungers
and press tfese out against tfe disc witf the
help ol compressed air, see Fig_ 18_ The plung- ___lglll_g _
ers can fhen easily be removed. Prise oIl the _
rubbgr covgrs. gelore tfe caliper is installed, check the brake disc,
_ 3. Re_ove ffe o_ii segis <3) trom ffe cy__nders see under ''Brake disC''_
with the help ot a blunt fool. Be careIuI not to
damage the edge of the grooves. __
N.B. The brake caliper should not be taken apart_
The reason lor this is that pressure festing '
equipment is required when assembling and __
special locking lluid is required lor the bolts.
l_spe_lJ_g ,
Before inspecting wash all the p8rts in methylated
spirit. The plungers and cyl'inders should be e_ami-
ned very carelully. 7here must b8 no scoring. _
scratches or rust on the polished surface. Damaged
plungers shoutd be replaced. Il the cylinders are , - , ,
d8maged. the complefe lront wheel brake assembly 't '_'
sfouid be rgpiaced. Fig. 19. PIungers litfed_