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P 1 lO, P 1 8OD _ E _ A l _ _ N _ T _ U _ T l O N _ FOO7BR_KES _ F_o_l _heel b_ake u_it_ REPL__lH_ _HE BR_KE P_D_ The brake pads should be replaced when about 3 mm (1/8'') ol the lacing thickness remains. On no account must the lacings be worn down to below 1.5 mm (1/16''). 1. Remove the fub cap and slacken the wheel nuts sIightly. 2. lack up the front end and place blocks under the lower wisfbones. Unscrew the wheel nuts gnd Iilt oll the wheel. _ 3. Remove the hairpin-shaped locking clips and guide pins for the brake pads. Pull out the pads, see Fig. 14. Carelully clean out the cavity _ in which the pads lit. Il ffe seal is damaged. h h b k . d Fig. t5. Damping springs litted. remoue t e lront W gg_ ra e Unlt. 50e Un er ( ) _ P 12O and P 18OO. Iate production ''Reconditlonlng''. 6. Litt on Ife wheel alter having cleaned the contact surlaces between the wheel and hub Iree from any dirt, and tighten fhe nuls suflicienfly so that tfe wheel cannot be dis- _ placed on the hub. Lower the car and tighten the wheel nuts. Tighten every other nut a little af a time until ali __re tightened to a torque ot 1O-14 kgm (7O-1OO Ib.ff.). Fit the hub cap. _ 2 3 _ v_o6__oVO Fig. 14. Removing the brake pads. t _ _ 4. Carefully presI the plungerI into the Whee unit cylinders and fit the new pads. It sfould be noted that the brake lluid level in the master cylinder will then rise and m8y possibly overllow. Make sure tfat fhe guide pins and Iocking clips are undamaged belore relitting them. Check that the pads can move and that the lacings do not project outside the brake disc. If damping spring__ are to be fitted, these 6 _ u ,, d h . __ _ '_ ' _j a_e pIace as s own in Fig. . 5. Depress the brake pedal several times and Fig. 16. Front wheel brake unit. check thaf the mouement JeeII normal_ As a _ _ __ 4 _ _ _ t . a Iper . Oc Ing p a e rule, air-venting need not be carried out alter _. A_r-venting nipple _. Attacfing bolt replacing the brake pads. 3. Attacfing bo_t 6_ BrDke líne _ _-7
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