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P 1 2O, P _ 8OO, PV _44
_O_E. _fe toolh Eo_laEt paHer_ i_ almo_l reEta_gular
i_ _hape a_d l_ hall _ay up lhe tooth on fhe drlvlng
_lde _ul rather _earer Ihe toe Iha_ the heel. On the
rever_e _ide lhe Eo_laEt paIter_ l_ ralher hlgher than
o_ lhe drlvl_g _lde _ut olhe_l_e _lmllar.
Tooth contact adjustment is carried out by altering
the position ol tfe pinion relative to the crown wheel _Eve__E __DE D__v__ç __DE
by adding or removing shims at the rear pinion
' bearing outer race. Af tfe same fime, however, an
equal number oJ shims ol the same Ihickness must be
added or removed at fhe forward bearing so thaf the
piníon bearing tension is nof altered.
Each time the position of Ihe pinion is alfered, the
backlash must be adjusted and checked, see Fig. 29.
_ On a hypoid gear. the tooth contact pattern moves vocw
diagonally ouer the teefh and in a diflerent direction _
on _fe d,_,v_,ng and ,eve,se s__des. Fig. 36. Faulty tooth contact.
IJ the pinion is moved inwards, fhe cont8ct pattern ot
the driving side moues lrom a high position at the reverse side. IJ the adjustment is correcf, the confact
t heel, Fíg. 35, to a low position at tfe toe. Fig. 36. On patterns should be almost opposife each other.
the reverse side. the tooth confact pattern moves at The actual adjusting procedure is best carrìed out in
the same time Jrom a high position at the toe. Fig. 35, the Jollowing way.
to a low position at the heel. Fig. 36. This means 1 . Adjust the backlash to the values shown in the
Ihat Ihe tooth contact pattern on tfe driving side specifications.
moves in the same direction as tfe pin_ion. l I the 2. 5mear the teeth with marking paint and rotate
contact pattern is foo tar ouf towards the heel. tfe the pinion at the same time as the crown wheel
pinion is Moved inwards, and if the contact pattern is braked.
is too far out towards the foe, the pinion is moved 3. Nofice the position oJ the confact pattern and
outwards. adjust as stafed above. Each time tfe position
W_hen you consider fhat the contacf paftern is correct of Ihe drive pinion is changed. check and adjust
on the driving side, look at the confact paftern on fhe fhe backlash. _1 3