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_ _ ___ __ P 1 2O_ P _ 8OO_ PV _44 _ _ _ _ I_ ,_____ , _ _ __ I__I__I_____k__ ___ t __ - -_ __ __vo ____vo _ ZlfJJ Wi_L_V_O_ Flg, 23, Fjfflng the __nlon. Flß. 2_ . Flttlng the _ea_ Dinion bea_ino, ' _ S_lngef WaShel Can be le_oVed if af thg 5arne 5y5te_ i5 fo be u5ed, u5e two oauoe5 wfi_f afe tl_e al_ e_tfa 5h_n_ Wlth tfICkng55 O.O3O'' l5 F7U5hed doWn betWeen one o_f th_e oufe_ fa_e_ _lftgd On the feaf beaflng_ Pfe55 On the feaf and tfe beafing fgCe55 in the diffefen+iaJ Caffief. beaflnß (29) WIth fOO_ 5VO 239_, 5ee Flg. Z_ , Add O.2 __ (O.OOa'') fo the _ea5ufe_enf 3. Re__aCe the nUflIbef Of Shl_5 (3O) fOl the feaf Obfained, thi5 5fOwino the fo+a_ tfiCkne55 of _lnlOn beallnß OUtef laCe WhICh Wefe fhefe the 5hinII to be UIed w_hen a55e_b_y i5 Caffied befOfe dl5_antllnß, In the Ca5lng and then FtfeSS ouf, In +he OUtef faCeS Wlth the he_D of foo_ _VO 2_ Fjf the OiI Ilingel WaIhef, it any, on ffe Djnion 4O47, 5ee Flß_ 22_ ' (Za). A Eatef tvDe oE Dinion doe5 not fav' e thi5 4. P_aCe the FlInlOn In the Ca5lng and fit thg 5anIg oI_ 5_inoef wa5'f'ef. W'itf an eaf_ief tvDe, ffe o'i_ nU_bef Of 5hl_5 (26) WhICh WgFg thgfe WhBn _ _ _ _ _ FIg_ 22_ Fltt'Ing the beaflng faCe5. Fjo. 24. _inion foCg+ion. _ _ PF855 tOOf 5VO 4O47 A. _o__i_a_ _ea5ufe_e_t _ 2.O94'' 4_8
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America