Begin OCR Text:
______ __
P 1 2O_ P 1 8OO_ PV 544
_ Z
Flg. 18. Fljjlng 5F7flng jhfU5j Wa5h8FS,
__ _l**etenjla_ 9eat
Z, 7hFUS* WB5heF
3_ _l_jeFenfIa_ CBtf'leF
_ _ __ -_-=. --- -. . _ __ - ..--_-i.._-=.____ .w..
Flg. _ 7. Flj_lng jhe dIllef8njlal geaf5.
_ 3. CheCk jhe dllletenjlaj Unlj. j* jheFg _5 any
lOOSene5Si _Ij neW jhfU5j Wa5hel5. Th8 llaj jhfU5'j
Wa5hef5 (5) Can be Fe_laC0d Wl_h $_*hef oVet-
5lZed jhfU5j WaSheF5 o'f 5_tlno jhfUSj WaShef5.
FIj jhe 5_tIng jhFUSj Wa'5hef_5 jhg tIOhj Way
FOUnd. The __baCkii 5hOUjd laCe jhe dl-*lefenjIa'l
Cafflefi 5ee FlO. __.
Aljef CheCk_ng- and_ _l neCe5SaFyi FeFtlaClng fhe
Wa5h$F5i llj jhe lOCklng _ln (7).
4. Flj jhe CfOWn Whe0l (9'). Make SUte jhaj jh8
COnjaCj 5UFlaCe5 afe Cjean and llee lfO_ bUtf,
Tlghjen jhe bOl*5 jO a jOfqUe Ol _,_-7 kgnl
(4__O IbI lf_)_
_ ___e__j____ __e _'____ d_'_Va Flg. 19. Flj+lng jhe dIllefenjIaj CaFtlef beaFlng5.
_ _. Pfe5S On_ jh0 dIllefenjjal
_CaFflef beaFlng5 (1)
WIjhOUj 5h_nl5. u5e jooj SVO 4_ 12i 5ee Flg. 19.
PlaCe jhe djlleFen+lal Cafflef Wljh jhe CfOWn
_ Whggl and FO_lef beaf
__nO5 ln jhe hOUSlnO,
Mea5Ule jhe end _jay. T_he end Ftlay Can b_e
_ea5Uted In jWO WaySi 8Ijhef WIjh a dlal _IndI-
CajOf Of a leelet g'aUge, WhICh0Vef _gjhOd
I5 U5edi nleaIUfenlenj nIU5j _be Catfled oUj Wljh
gFeaj aCCUfaCy Il a OOOd fe5Ulj l5 jO b0 Objaln-
ed. *l a dIal lndICa*-OF l5 U5edi _laCe Ij agaIn5j
jhe feVef5e 5_lde Ol jhe ClOWn Wheeli 5ee Flg,
2O. The dll*efenjlaji (Felnefnbet jhl5 aj5o In-
ClUdeI +he beaf_ng OUjeF faCe5) l5 5lld llt5j
Ong Way and jhen jhe dlBl IndICajOf l5 Sej jO
ZefO_ Then jhe dll*efenjjal l5 5lld jhe Ojhef Way w;dL_Wgd
and jhe end _jay fead Oll. ll +he lee_eF gaUge Fjg. 2O. Mea5UFIng jhg djlleFenjlal end _lay.