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P 1 2O_ _ 1 8OO_ _V 5O4 _.....___ 3_ PUll Oll the dllfefgntlaj Carríe_ bearingg (1 ) wifh ''W _ pUllef SVO 2483, Ige Fig. _ 6. Do nof _oge tfe 5hlnl5 (3). _.,.....__, ..... IH_PE__lH_ The VarI_OU5 COmpOnentS mU5t be fhofoUgfjy Cjeaned belOle In5peC+IOn Can bg Carfied ouf. Ajj bearing , . raCe5 and bgaflng5 m U5f be fforoughjy e_amined. I; Alj bearlng raCe5, rOllert and fetaínefg mugf be free __... ,...,, lfOm damage, ReplaCe any damaged bearingg and i I _' '___ faCeS_ The dirive pinion and Crown wheej mu5f be . thOrOUghly e_am'Ined fOf damagg on ffeir feeff, _ Cfa Ck5 In fhe +eg+h Can regUlf in pieCeS loogen 'i,ng _, ...... Whlle fhe VehlCje I5 beIng dríven. Thege DieCe5 Can _ '_i '". COme betWeen fhg gear5 and Can Ca Uge' e_fengive _. _. . .._.__W___.3.. damage In fhe llnaj dfi Ve unif. jf fhere ig anv damaoe _..* .. __. __ .._ . ,....,''___..__._"1___p__.WQ'_..'_.._.ggttM'_._._i_.. Or Cfa Ck5 on the pinion or Crown wheej, 'fhey mu_gf M _-- _ _ _ _ -__ _ _ - ' --_-_-_ _''''_'_-__ ' 'w'L'W _' be fgplaCgd. The5e (the Crown wheej and dfive ZJJ_l ) d _ Flg_ 1 5_ RemOVing the loCkjng pin. plnlOn afe 5Ol In COmplefe gefg ginCe fhey are matChed In a gpeCIal maCfine Jo engure fhe CorreCf D'J__O_____O _fe d__e_e__'ia_ baCkla5'h and 5_lent Opefation. The dillerentiaj geaf5 _ . _oogen ___e r_íng gear _oifg an_ femove fhe 5hOUld al5O be e_a_míned lor Crg Ckg and damage on Crown w_'_eei (o). U ' U the teeth, The d_IllefgnfIal geafg gfoujd be liffed in l. Dr_ive ou__ __'e_'iol C_ _íng p_ín ___, gee F.ig. 1 5, an _ a Cle8n and dfy COnd ItíOn in ffe dillerentigj Carrier _ f_en __e' g'__a__' (_hn) _or f__eI l__í__erenf_ía_ gea.rgO. tOgethef Wlfh the 5halt and thru5f waSherg g_o ffaf T_ake 'o_uf .fh_e ' 'b__o'CVkl ('1 _), _f_e __'j_'__erenf__al gegr5 lOOSene5S and Wear Can easily be determined. Il (_, _) an_ __e _,_rugf _wa_5l_e_rg _U5, ' '1 _ ). I fhefe Ig lOo5ene5g, the paft5 ConCerned gfoujd be __ _l U '_ '_ _ ) feplaCgd_ The fhfUSt waSherg ghoujd be ffee lfom any UneVenneIg. CheCk jO en5Ulg that thg CyjindfiCaj parf of ffe fjanQe ln COnfaCt W'Ith fhe oll 5gaj iS not Wofn of gCfatChe_d. l _i thl5 'l5 the Ca5e, repla Ce thg llangg and ffe oij geaj. InSpeCf the driVe Shalt5. Shaftg +faf are digforfgd or damaged In any Way 5hOUjd be reDjgCed. _ E_amlne the Oll 5eal5 and repjaCe' ffem if thev are __ damaged of Worn, ' Make SUfe tfat the feaf a_le houging ig ffeg from Cfa CkS_ Check that the brackets lor the gupporf armg UO __ B3 and ffaCk bgr are jn oood Condifion. __ __5EMB_lH_ _ ___e___J'_9 _fe d_J__e_e__J_O_ _ _ PlaCe _he dlllgFgnt_aj 5ide gegr5 (6) gnd ffe thfUgt Waghgf5 (5) In fhe differenfiaj Carrie_r (4). Then ''roll'' ín fhe dllFgrential piniong (0), both 5ímUjtaneoUgly Wj_th fhe di5hed thrugt wagferg (_ _ ), See FIg. 1 7. _,',?,L..?_O., 2. InSerf ffg fhrU5f bjOCk (1 2) and drive jn fhe Flg. 1 6. RgmOVlng ffe ditlgrenfigj Cgrrjer bea,rinog. 5f,alf (_ o), 4_6 . _ _ . l
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