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v_o____v_u P _ 2O_ P _ 8OO_ PV S44 _ Flg. 13. Renlo Vjng fhe beafino fa_e. _ . _flff, 5gg fg_f _ VZUdLfVJU0 Flg_ 1 1 . AIIßn_gn'i _afkinO5 O_ _aD yo_e _of eaf_y pfoduCf._on p _2o a_d p _goo .j_ _ and CaffIgf. _ ' puK__ed_ ofJ wl.iff pu__ef Svo 2262, See F._g. 6, Pfe55 ofl the D_njon (20). 6. _heCk fhe a_ionjno _afk_ on ffe Cap (2) and 9, Re_OVe t__e 'oI_ Seaf (25) by uSing foof SVO ffe Caffjef (2__), S7ee Fio. _ 1 . _J ffefe _afle no 4O3O, See Fig. 7. Thgn fe_ovg fhg oj_ S_ingef _afkingS, of if fhev afe7 diJfiCu_f fo See, _afk (24) and jhe ffOnf pjnlon bgafing (27), one Side wiff_ a Du'nCh. Re_ove fhe Cao. l O_ Il neCeSSafy, dfjVe OUt fhe beafing ou+ef faCe, 7. Fjf foo_ SVO 23'q4 in fhe hofeS in ff_e dfive 5ee FIg_ 13_ U5e the Standafd hand_e SVO 10O1 pinion Caffjef aS Sfown in Fio. 1 2. Fjf an indi. and tOOl SVO 4O63 tOf the Jfonf and SVO qO64 Cgfof So ffaf ffe e_DanSion o7J ffe dfive Djnion JOf the feaf faCe. Do nof lOSe fhe Sf_i_S _(3D) Caffief Can be fead_off. Tioffen ffe fenS_ion_ing Undef fhe feal flng. SCfew So fhaf ffe Caffjef iS7e_Danded nof _ofe 1 1 _ lf l_eCe5Safy, pUjf OJl fhg feaf beafing (2q) Jfo_ fhan O.3 __ (O.O12''). Re_o_ve ffe jndiCafof. fhe pInIOn (28) by USlng pU_jef SVO 23q2, See _jf+ ouf ffe djffefen+ia_' Caffief wiff Cfown wheef. Flg. 14. 0. Re_ove fhe nuf fof ffe f_an~e (yoke) (22). USe The pUllef IS flffed In the tOflowing wav. Sfide fevef SVO 24Oq aS Counfeff7_ofd''. pull_ ' oJIJ fhe the pUllef dOWn OVef fhe foflefS and pfe'SS down Jfanoe fof pV 544 and fafe pfoduCfjon p 12O and fhe CIfCflp_ Thgn +lghfgn fhe Duflef wifh fhe _ p 1g __O wj,h _uffef ___ __J_, See __jg_ __ __ e 5CfgW Un+ ___ fhg foffefS afe a_a_inSI_ bo_h Jhe ed_e U I _ __ U __Ol t _ l n Ol the jnnef faCe and theYedgel oflfhle Duff_ef. - -- - _ Sffjke fhe CIfClIp Wlth a ha__ef. ' _ _ - - - -- VZOlLfVJOj VjOiL_VjOj Flg_ 1 2_ E_pandlng the dfIve pinion Caffief. Fjo. 1 4. Re_oving +fe feaf p_jn_ion _eaf_jng. 7 _ 4_S
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