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_ v__o____jvyo_ __o ___ P 1 2O_ P 1 8OO_ PV 544 F_jg. 7. Re_Ovjng fh_e Olj 5eaj_ _ Fjo. 5. RenIOyInO _hg _janoe_ PV 544 and _ _ la_g DfOdU_CtJ'On P _ ZO__ P _ 8OO_ _e_JO_e_e___ O_ ______O_ O__J _eOI _ _ , _i5Con_ngC_ thg fgaf 5eCtjon O_ the DfODelleF 5ha_f _fo_ the _janog (voke) On fhe' 'pjnjOn. _hgCk _or loo5ene55 -o_ fh'e Dinion In If5 beaFing. l_ It l5 loo5e_ _fhI5 ntU5t be' fe_edIed bg_Ofe a neW oil 5eal j5 __ftgd. Sgg the _n5frUCflOnS Undef the hgadlng IIA55e_blIngII. 2. ReCnoVe the _lange nut by u5jnO jeyef SVO 24O9 aS COUntefhOld. PUlj O__ the t-langg tOf PV 544 and late DfOdUCfton P _ 2O and P _ 8OO Wlth fOOj SVO 226'1 _ 5eg Flg, 5, Thg yoke tOf gafly pfO- du Ctlon P _ 2O and P 1 8OO IS pUljed Ott Wlth toOl SVO 2262 5ee Flg 6 Rg_OVg fhg Old Olj l ' ' _lfZ_ Se8l by USlng tOOl SVO 4O3O_ a5 5hOWn In Fjg, 7, FIO. 8. F_ttInO thg oll 50al. 3. lnIeft a neW papef ga5ket and tlf thg neW Olj _ - 5gaj Wjfh tool SVO 24O3_ aS 5hOW_n 'In Flg, 8. _ 4. Pre55 on fhg tla_ngg (yoke) by US_ng tOOj SVO _ O4__ _ee _j__ __ _i_ _he wa5he_f and *u__ Tj_h_e* flhUg _jat_fef tIO_a _tIgIhtIeIn_ng fOfOUe Ot 2II8-I 3O_klgC7l_ (ZO_2lO Ib_ tt_)_ _ 5. Re-COnneCt the pFOpejlef 5hatf, E__g, _. Qe_ov__ng yo_e_ eaf_y pfo_uC__ion Fig. 9. FjftIng fhe tlange, I V _ P _ 2O_ P__0OO_ I _ ' _ , _fe55 tOOl 5VO _a45 4_3
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