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_ P 1 2O_ P 1 8OO_ PV _44 R E P A l R l _ _ T R U _ T l O _ _ __ OiiH _KiH iHE __ iE_ i_ __ __ _i EE ii_ _i _i_ _ii Ei DED OUi_ i iHe vEHiiie _e_lO_e_e__ O_ d__JVe __O_ O__J _eaJ 1 . Remove the wheel and pull o__ fhe wheel hub, Flg. 1 . u5e pUllef SVO 1 791 . RemoVe _he blBke _ baCklng plate ajfef haVIng plaC8d a Wooden bjOCk Undel jhe brake pedal and loo5ened jhe brake llne On _he b8Cklng pjate. Z, PUlj OUj jhe dfIVe 5hajt, Flg. 2. u5g pU_(er SVO .. _ . ..... . __. ___._. 22O4_ _= _'_ .., . . ... . _g''''_''d__.. _"_' ''''''_'''''' ___'.', 3, PUl( OUj jhe Ol_ 5eal by U5lng tool SVO 4O78, F 2 R d h _ I_O__ _ _g. . emOVIng lIVe 5 a t. FIg, 3, - _ 4. _fIVe In the neW oIl 5eal. Make 5ure lt IS COrreCfly lOCated. uSe jOOl5 SVO 1 8O1 and SVO 24_6, Flg_ 4, _. RemOVe any ojl and gfea5e fhat thele may be _ On the blake baCklng p_ate. RepjaCe bfake l_nlngS l_ they haVe any oIl or grea5e on them. 6. Flt fhe dflVe 5ha_j and brake baCklng plate w_fh a neW (elt Wa5her. 7. CheCk jhe dlIVe 5hajt end play. Sgg thg _n5trUC- tions under the heading ''Assembling''. 8, ReplaCe the dfaW key Ij If ha5 been rgmoved and then jlt jhe hUb and Wheel. 9. Alr-Venj jhe blake llne5 and ad_U5t the fgaf Wheel bfakeS. FOllOW the ln5trUCtIon5 gIVen _n the palt ,,BlakeS''. __w 1 O. CheCk fhe oll leVel In the fear a_je. ZIO__ F_g. 3. RemOVlng O_j 5eaj. _ _ _- _ _ - - _''- _ _-' ___''-_' - - -L _' _LVO 22O3J _ Wij_i_i FIg, 4. Fjttlng o_j 5eaj. _ Flg. 1 . RemOVlng Whgg_ hUb. _ . o___(_ _vo _4_6 4_2 l
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America