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P 1 2 O, P 1 8OO, P V 544
D E _ _ R I P T I O _
Tl_e rear a Kle on the P 1 lO, P 1 8OD and P_ _44 is adjusfed by means of sh ims inside the dillerenlial
carried in two support arms. The support arms are carrier bearings.
provided with fwo rubber bushes in wficf the rear Tfe d_ifferenlia I carrier and the crown wheel are
aKle housing is tleKibly mounted. ln order to take up journal Ied in fhe linal drive housing and the drive .
_ _he rear aK Ie torque, there are two torQue rods pin carrier respect_ive1y by means of two taper roI Ier
_ _ attached to the body and to levers on the housing. bearings. The crown wheel is attached to the differ-
A frack bar prevents the body and rear aKle from ential carrier by means of bolts. The difl8rential gears
_noving sideways in relation to each other. The Ihemselves in lhe d_ilferential carrier consisf ol two
_ príncip Ie ol the rear aKle suspension is shown in bevel pinions on trunnions and two side gears in
Illustrations A and B. The design ol fhe rear a Kle is which the drive shalts a re carried by means ol internal
shown in Illustration C. spIines. The differential gears are jour,n8lled so tfat
they can rotafe and permit the drive shalts to rotate
The rear aKle l5 ol the hypoid fype, that iS to Say, the at diflerenf 5peed5 when the tar is be_ng driven
drlve plnlon IieS beIow the Centre of lhe CfoWn round bends. There is a washer under each oI the
wheeI. This _means that the level of the pfopeIler shalt dlfferent_a _ gear5 and the driVe pinlon IS CarrIed In
Can be Iower and 8jSo permit5 greater 5tre5seI on the faper rojler bearings. The a Kial locafion ol the drive
teefh ol +he pin'_on and Cfown whee_. ApafI lrom lhe pInlon _relatiVe to the CroWn Whee1 iS adj U Sfed by
pre5Sure eKerted aga _nst each ofher by the tee_fh _n mean5 Of 5hlmS Under fhe OUlef fa Ce Of the feaf
the gear sysfem, there is also a wiping mofion
b h pinion beafing. The pinion beari_ngI are adjusted by
etWeen +he teelh In a ypold gea_r IyItem. 7hi5 Is meanS Ol Sh ImS Under the _nner raCe ol the lront
why eKtra demands are made on fhe adhesion ol the pjnion bearing.
ojl used. For th _s rea5on, a specia_ type ol lubr_cafing The outer end ol each dr_ve shalt is )ournajled in a
oil, called hypo_d o_ _, which has outstandingly good taper rol_er bear_ng. Bearing clearance is ad_usted
adheS;on, i5 U Sed. The Use of the wrong type of oi_ by mean5 ol shims under fhe brake backing plates.
_ Can CaU5e eK*feme_y rapid Wear ol the gears. d h d
lnSI _e eaC Ol the rl Ve 5halt bearlngI t_fe IS an Ojl
The final drive assembly consists ol the drive pinion, seal which. fogether with a lelt ring outside each
crown wheel and dilferential gears. The gear back- bearing, prevents oil from seeping out lrom the linal
Iash and clillerential carrier bearing tension are drive on to the brake linings.
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