Begin OCR Text: _
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_ __ig _ _ __eC__ing _of ou_ o_ _fue
_ll F _2 _f k f
_ ' i i ' __ K _ 7- _-7 _ Ig, . eC __ng t e Wafp.
'it ll_Stalljng j5 dOng _n ffe fevef5e ofdef Jo fe_ovjno.
HOOk On any tenSIon SpfIng.
N. B. Only eafly pfOdUCtIOn, On ffe ffonJ gnd feaf
UnIVef5al jOlntS there I5 a 5heef rnetal 5tf'ip WhiCf
hOldS tOgethef fWO Of the needle beafingS. When _
jlttlng, _ake qUlte SUrg that thj5 5Jfjp _oCaJeS pfopeflv
In the feCeS5eS in thg fe5peCJIvg yokeS, See Fio. 13'_
offefwiSe tfe beafino wi_l be _inCfgd wfen t_fe U_ ll7l_
Cla_p5 afe Jjgftened_. _igfJen tf_e nut5 fof tfe Cla_p5 Fig, 1 3, Fitting of needle bgarjng,
to a tofque oj 1 .4O-1 ,65 kg_ (___2 _b. ft.), eafly pfOdUCtlon.
' 1. 5feet met_l sfrip
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