Begin OCR Text:
_ 1 2O, P 1 8OO
e_amj_,e the support bearing by pressing the bearing A
,,,e, ,g,,,,i e,,h oi_,e, w_,ff ihe h,,d, ,,d f,,,_,,g _
theM j, opposite directions. The bearing should run
ea,ily without binding at any point, Il nof, scrap the (',
be_ring and replace iI wilh a new one_ _(1'
_ j_
_SSEM_Ll__ 1_ j _
_IIem_li_g the u_iveIIoI ioi_tI (' _
_ . Fit ,ew corl_ washers on tfe spider frunnions_ ti'
Fif ihe ,p;der i, the driving yoke in Ihe same
position as it was beIore being removed_
_. pu,h over fhe 5pjder i, one direction so far thai
ihe ,eedle beari,g ,an be litted onto the -
th d_ Fig. 9.
frunnion, see Fig. 8. Then press in e nee e
b _,g ,o fgr ihaf ihe snap ring can be fitted _ D t t i d t teaFl _ . u5 covgf, a e _lO UC lO_
U,e a drjff faving a diameter slightly less than B. Dust cover a55embled
that ol the needle bearing sleeve_ b__ _t _ _ i t ff f fhe yok, o, fhe
a_,em ing, i is impor an a
3 Fjf fhe outer needle bear_ing and snap fing in _ t __ h ff t_ d tfe yoke o,
_ ,o, p,ope e, s a SeC ion a,
1he same waY_ fh __ d h ff i_y t_,ed up ,ee _
e ,p ,,g 5 a are COfreC ,
_ b__ th __ h _l F_gs. 1 a and b_ _
IIe_ i_g g _IO_e eI I a
1 . press _he supFori bearing (_, Figs. 1 a and b7 CheEkí_g _lo_geI __th diol i_díEOlOI
j,fo Ife retainer witf ring SVO 4O81 , see Fig_ gO_gg
4. Place the dust cover, support bearing, tfrusf _efo,e ffe p,ope__e, ,haff (late produ,tion) is in-
washer and locl_ing washer on ihe front sectio_, ,tatted, fhe f_g,ge, ,hould be checked with a dial
o'i fhe propelle: shaft, tf the dusl Cover i5 ol jndi,afor gauge. Fo, thi, purpose it is adv'isable Io
the early µroducfion type, it should be replaced u,e a ijtt__,g,,d,,ato, gauge whi,h is placed against
wifl, a late production type with a Fegi5tering ffe fta,ge as ,_ow, in Fíg. 1 1 . The out-ol-true must
o__ter diameIer and enlarged holes lor the ,o; e_,eed o.o_ mm (o.oo_g''). The Ma_imum per_
radius 1ransition, se8 Fig_ 9_ Mj,,,b_e wa,p js o.oq mM (O.OO35' ), which is checked
2. Fii the nut (8). washer and lelt washer on the ,, ,how, ,_, F_,g. 1 _.
splined shaft. see Fig. 1 O. Lubricate the sIiding _. _. The fta,ge, 5houtd be ,he,ked affer ihey have
sur(òces of the splined shalt wilh a thin layer ol bee, fjtfed o, tfejr ,haft,.
n_olybdenum disulphide (marketed under dil- Fta,ge, wf_,h do nof ,_eef the above requirements
fere,_ i ade ,ame,) A,,embte ife f,o,t a,d b d _
r _ inusf e scrappe ,
re_r section__ ol the propeller shalf_ When
_ . - _
1 2 3
Fig. 1 O. Spl_ned ,halt_
_JJ9I _
Fjg. g. FiItíng the spider and needle bearing_ l . Nut __ Washer 3_ Felt Wa5h''