Begin OCR Text: _
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P 1 2O, P 1 8OO
REMO_l_G '
lack up fhe car and block up the lront and rear a_les.
Slacken the clamps (early production) which hold the
universal joints to the rear a_le and gearbo_ flange,
respectively_ With late production, proceed in
accordance wiIh operafion 1 under ''RepIacing the
support bearing''. Disconnecf any 1ension spring.
Push the propeIIer shaft to the rear and remove it.
DiI_o_tli_g the p_opeller Iho_ ____LW__
_ . ge,d ba,_ jh, _o,k_,,g w,,he, ,,d ,,,,,ew jhe Fig. 6. Removing fhe spider.
_ nut (8) for the support bearing (7). Remove the 3. w_,jh a hamme, a,d mej,_ p,,,h, d,_,ve the
_ rear section ol fhe propeller shaft. Remove the ,p_,de, a, _a, a, _,t w____ go _,, o,e d_,,ect_,o,. _he
5upport bearing. ,eed_e bea,_,ng w_,__ the, ,ome abouj ha__w,y
2_ If necessary. press the support bearing out ol ouj.
the retainer wiIh a suitable dr_ift. 4. The, d,_,ve the sp,_de, as _a, as _,t w_,__ go _,n the
_ opposite direction, see Fig. 6.
5. Drive out one oJ the needle bearings wiIh a
D~I_aIltli_g lhe __iverIol joi_t_ 1hin mejaj punch. Rei_ove jhe spider. see F_g. J.
The universal joints fitted on both early and Iafe D,ive out jhe othe, ,eedje bea,_ng.
production propeller shalts are in principle dis- l__pe__l_G
ma,j_ed ;, the ,,me w,y. _oje, howe,e,, th,j j,je
production propeller shafts are provided wjth u,j- l_ i5 very important to ensure that lhe propeller shatt
versal joinfs having Iwo drivěng yokes lrom whi,h is straighI_ Since even minor damage on a propeller
the spider must be removed. This also appIies jo, shaft can cause vibration. inspection Must be carried
fhe infermediaIe universal joint on early production ouf very c3retully_ The shaIt should be set up
propeIIer shafts. ,ee figs. 1 a and b. between centres and checked along its entire length
1 . Remove the snap rings which secure the needle with an ii_dicator gauge while il is rotating. If it is
bearings in the yokes. see Fig. _. Remove jhe ouI-ol-true more than O_25 mm (O.O1 O''). the shaft
grease nipple in the spider. must be replaced_
2, Secure the shatt in a vice so that jhe universaj H_ a_ Ho attempt _hould _e made lo _traighle_ a
_ joinf comes as near to the vi,e jaws as damaged propetIer shalt _ lt _hould _e repla_ed
possible. Remember tfaI the propejle, shafj js With a _eW o_e_
tubutar and can easily be deformed.
,- - -- -
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Fig_ 5. Removing the snap rings. Fig. J. Removi,g jhe spide,. 4-3